Nancy Drew–Invitation Insanity

Are you ready for all of the Nancy Drew Insanity? This weekend is my daughter’s big Nancy Drew party, and there is plenty of insanity to be had all around. And while my husband rolls his eyes and can’t understand why I do it, my daughter really thinks I am the coolest, most creative mom ever–and that makes it worth it.

For the invitations, she helped me design these “books” to give to her friends. I lifted the design from the covers of the old Nancy Drew books. Kira got to help me decide what price to put on the back, etc. and she couldn’t get over how cool it was that I put that it was book 7 since she is turning 7. I had a fun idea for the inside, but it caused a bit of stress since I had to wait until the magnifying glasses got here from Oriental Trading Co (and I’m too cheap to upgrade shipping). I had seen these fun Shrinky Sheets at the ReadyMade Website. So we shrunk the invitation details, so the girls would have to use their magnifying glasses to read it.

I don’t think I have done anything like this since we made smurfette shrinky dinks when I was about 8, so for me, there was a bit of a learning curve and I wish the package had more sheets in it for mistakes. Here they are…ready to bake.


Oops! Some are curling.

The instructions say to put vellum or parchment paper over the top to keep them from curling onto themselves. We did this, but when after the time was up they weren’t shrinking much, I took off the extra sheets of vellum, so they were only covered lightly. Probably a mistake.

So there was one casualty. I broke it as I tried to bend it back in place, but fortunately it was an extra. I was able to salvage the others, by reheating them, and really flattening them with a spatula. Another time around, I think I will try heating with an embossing tool, so I can have more control over the curling as it happens.

Still it was fun to play with, and if I can get it right offers all kinds of ideas for Mothers’ Day, Christmas, etc.

No, Kira isn’t holding 5 books, just 5 invitations.

I had her help me glue envelopes inside for the magnifying glass and the “clue”. It reads…

It’s no mystery that we want Kira to have a happy birthday,
but she needs your help!
Are you on the case?

Fri. & Sat., April 25th & 26th,
we will be having a stake-out
(A.K.A Slumber Party).
Report Friday night at 6:00pm
or come in the morning at 8:30
for breakfast before a busy
day of sleuthing.
Case will be closed
Saturday at 11:30am.



Susan Fitch Apprentice Kit @ Little Dreamer Designs

For the rest of the Nancy Drew party, head to this post!


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  1. Ok, that is the coolest b-day invite ever! How creative…no wonder Kira thinks your the best! Love it! Hope she has fun at her party:)

  2. Craft Junkie says

    AWESOME use of the beloved Shrinkies! lol

    As for the curling (with my brand, at least), I’ve found that if you will watch them, they’ll curl and even look like they’re going to bond together…but just keep being patient and they uncurl and flatten out on their own. But these are great and I’m glad you made that extra one.

  3. this is the coolest invite! I am loving your creativity!

  4. Barefootstamper says

    my friend’s daughter is desperate to have a party like this — your cleverness is contagious! Would you mind sharing book/invite dimensions?

    Is the front all digi?

  5. This is fantastic! I saw the link you posted on a similar project at Cookie. I think using Shrinky Dink was a great idea.

  6. A Touch of Country says

    Wow! You are SOOOOO talented!

  7. this is SO great! and i love the fake book… i love everything about it, really. how fun!

  8. this birthday is one of the most exciting birthdays i have ever seen, my daughter wants to do this for her 13th birthday party, i think its a perfect idea for ALL ages. who doesnt love a great mystery?

  9. My daughter and i where going through websites looking for party ideas when we saw this, jenna has always been intressted in mysterys. even my 7 year old boy wannted to do this party theme exept only hardy boys

  10. This party theme looks like so much fun, i wish i was younger so i could have had a birthday this cool. My daughter jesica is having this theme as her birthday party. and so far 27 people are invited because she has told almost everyone in her 4th grade class about her party and kept asking me if i could invite her and him. . .ect and i kept saying yes and soon enough it builded up, i'm glad you can get most the items at one dollar section in taarget

  11. Julia @ Hooked on Houses says

    I bet the kids were so excited to get those invitations! What a clever idea to make them use magnifying glasses to read them. I think Kira's right–you are the coolest, most creative mom. 🙂

  12. how did you do the books? did you scan them and then what program did you use to put her photo in?

    • Hi Kelley!

      I designed the books in a photo program (kind of like Photoshop) to look like the actual ones. I have recreated this invitation for other readers for a fee to cover my time. If you are interested in finding out more about this option, please send me an email at

  13. Ok! That is fantastic. I had a birthday party business for several years & a group for party business owners and I can say that is stellar! Great job!

  14. Hi i love the Nancy Drew invites so much and I would love to make them. Do you have any advice as to how to do it? thanks

  15. Great Idea! I did this for my son using the hardy boys series. I would love to send you the pics to add to your post.

    • Please send me the pics (kendrascreations[at]gmail{dot}com. I’d love to see them and would likely feature them somewhere!

  16. Thank you for sharing this its very helpful for us i like your written skills its very important for learners.


  1. […] blogger genius Kendra from My Insanity threw her kid a Nancy Drew–themed party and made her own invitations by printing them on special paper, shrinking them down to teeny-tiny […]

  2. […] did this much in the same way I did my daughter’s Nancy Drew Book Cover invitations many years ago. I just looked at images of real comic books and copied the elements onto my own […]

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