Robot Design Academy

Robot Design Academy Party

Robot Design Academy Party

Welcome to the Robot Design Academy and the birthday party of my six-year-old son!  Here’s a question for you?  Which takes longer, throwing the party or blogging about it?  Ok throwing it does, but blogging about it is a close second.  To keep this post from being any longer than it is already going to be, I’m going to show you lots of pictures with minimal descriptions.  Then I will go back in subsequent posts and break down the aspects of the party.  If you have any particular questions make sure and let me know so I can include the answers in my posts.  In this post, we also get to pretend that the party went off with out a hitch and I was completely ready when the doorbell rang for the first time instead of frantically decorating the cake.  I will disclose the good, the bad, and the not-so-perfect in future posts if you would like.

Birthday Bob the Robot delivered the invitation to our guests.
This sign (albeit less wrinkled at the time) met them at the door to welcome them to our Robot Design Academy…
And they saw this high-tech take on the traditional birthday banner, when they came inside…
(Can I just tell you how frustrated I am, that there is a wall in the way of getting a straight on shot of the table.  *sigh*  Use your imaginations!)

I think this cake warrants his own post.  Can you tell how we made him stand up?

We had the party structured as a Design Academy.  We had a design activity, built prototypes…
…and tested robots (bristlebots) on a racetrack.
(This one just hangs out on the table and vacuums up your crumbs).
My 9-year-old was responsible for the construction and operation of our life-sized version of “Bob the birthday Bot.” He spit out clues to find coins and the coins could be inserted in exchange for presents.
Guests went home with the prototypes they built, a hand-painted robot t-shirt (more on that later), their placemats that they decorated (more on those later), and candy from the table in paper bags with robot decals, specially selected and addressed by my son because it’s cuter that way and mom was running out of time to run the bags through the computer as she initially designed.  The name badges I designed will be sent along with their thank-you notes, letting them know that they are officially Robot designers!
I think my son’s wishes for a cool party came true!
(Sources and details to come in future posts.  If there is something you really want to know about, please ask!)

Get Your Craft On Tuesday
Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!
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  1. I A.D.O.R.E. EVERYTHING about this party!!!! OMG!!!! Awesome!!!!

  2. staci @ lizard n ladybug says

    Love the donut legs…& the sour wires??? SO cute in the cans.

    Super super job!

  3. That is so fun!!! My son would love it!!

  4. Jen @ says

    Oh WOW — That is AWESOME Kendra!! I knew you would come up with something beyond amazing!! What a cool party. And that cake is fabulous!

    I shared it on my TT&J FB page and linked to you 🙂


  5. Susan Crabtree says

    seriously so cute-everything turned out AWESOME!

  6. WOW! Kendra this is beyond amazing! A little boy's dream!

  7. Super cute and fun! What a creative idea 🙂

  8. Brittany @ GreyGreyDesigns says

    SO, SO, SO creative! I love it! the CD bunting and the cake are just so great!

  9. Shelley@DivinePartyConcepts says

    Such a cute party! Great job!

  10. pink and green mama MaryLea says

    Way to go Kendra!! My "E" was obsessed with robots when she was three and we stacked all of her gifts that year to make a big box robot — I still love the photo of her grinning ear to ear with her gift bot!

    If she'd had a party like this she would have been over the moon!! You did a fantastic job and YES blogging about the party takes as long (or longer) than making everything does!!

    xoxo MaryLea

  11. other-option says

    Amazing! That's so neat – you did a great job!
    – Danielle

  12. Nina Patricia @ The Adventures of Nina Patricia says

    insanely cool party! Any boy would thrilled with this. Too bad now you are going to try even harder to top this one. 🙂
    You are amazingly talented

  13. Sour wires? Kendra! So cute! I love the CD's and OF COURSE the invites are amazing…'cause that's just how you roll! And the nuts and bolts? Man. You are just a creative genius! Love all the activities as well.

    I sure hope you're recovering. You deserve a giant pat on the back. (and a pedi!!)

    Great job…again…as usual!

  14. you always have the most insane ideas!! I loved your party! Thanks for sharing!

    One q… Ive seen a few posts on how to hang the backdrop for the dessert table, but none of them seems too great to me… how did you hang up your sheet?

  15. My favorite part is the invites. Everything was so cute though!

  16. says

    WOW! Everything looks amazing! I love the decor. Those cds were a great idea! Thanks so much for such a fabulous party. I'll have to link to this in a future Roundup. It's amazing!

  17. A Little Bit of Everything! says

    Super cool. My Son would love this.

  18. Amanda @ Heart Tree Home says

    Great party theme… You did such an awesome job! The cake looks really professional!

  19. Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely says

    I KNEW you had this one wrapped up at CSI, you insane person you! 🙂 Great job!

  20. this blessed nest says

    your first place at CSI is WELL deserved. how simply awesome. EVERYTHING about it. i know tons of work was involved. congrats!!!


  21. What an amazing party! You have a very lucky little boy!

  22. I would love to learn more about the cake and invitations:)

  23. There is NO way I could make it look as cute as you did, but I'm gonna try for my son's 5th birthday coming up!
    Now. What can I get done in 2 weeks…?

  24. this is adorable!!! come on over and link up to MMM 🙂

  25. This party is seriously awesome! I love all the details, the cake is amazing (and I'm glad I'm not the only one 'frantically decorating the cake at the last minute as guests arrive'!) I can see why you won the CSi party week – which is where I found you 🙂

  26. Very creative indeed.

  27. What an original party! I simply love it.

  28. I can see why this party would be your favorite project…. this is all amazing! And besides looking amazing, you did cute activities, too! Officially coolest mom.

  29. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says

    What a totally cute party! I love the make your own robot activity! My kids would love this!

  30. My son is turning 6 in two weeks and is currently obsessed w robots (let’s hope that doesn’t change before the party!) Every good idea I’ve ever had has been stolen, so I’m basically hoping to steal everything you did here for my sons party. But I need an intense amount of help!
    Any chance you have pdf files of the invites, labels, placemats and other printables for the the robot party? (And now I’m about to reveal how un-creative I really am…) What did the kids use to assemble their own robots – photo squares? Where did you buy the brisltebots, robot stickers etc?
    Basically any how to’s, where from’s, or what about’s you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks for sharing your insanity and saving mine!

  31. Love the placemats. Where did you find those or how did you make them? I am getting ready for my son’s 5th and we built on your idea (promise to give you credit :-)). Thanks.

  32. Hey there! I wanted to let you know how helpful your cake stand video was when my 3-year-old requested that his robot cake “stand up”. We simplified the stand a bit; you can check it out here:

    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  33. Two busy mom says

    How much for your stand?

  34. Hi thanks for ur blog, its great please visit back my site


  1. […] !important; } /* */ My son has had some pretty cool birthday parties in the past. While the robot, pirate and rocket parties were huge successes, I wanted this year to be a little different. Partly […]

  2. […] Pin It Do you remember this guy? He was the centerpiece and focal point of my son’s robot birthday party last fall. I planned to explain the construction of the cake stand back then, but struggled to […]

  3. […] Design Academy”.  An invitation on Pinterest had caught my eye that led me to the Me and My Insanity blog.  It had a number of wonderful ideas (I just had to use the theme name and to purchase those […]

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