Hot Stuff Father’s Day

Father’s Day last year was pretty hot. BSB’s main gift was a new grill (well, a new-to-us grill that the neighbors were getting rid of when they moved), so we had a “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day. I made this grilling apron for him for his other gift. I couldn’t resist the scandalous play on words. And come on, men who can grill are pretty attractive, right? I made a stencil using freezer paper and my Silhouette and used loosely mixed yellow and orange paints to add the sentiment and graphic.

And what do you think we had for dinner? Grilled shis-ka-b0bs, of course. I’m pretty sure I was gracious enough to let the man of honor test out his new grill and cook these himself. Or maybe that’s just because I was up to my elbows working on this…

If it isn’t plainly obvious, this is a Father’s Day cake featuring a grill with a real flame in it! They say the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach, but it doesn’t hurt if fire or explosions are part of the deal.

(Please excuse the photography on these images, my beloved DSLR had given up the ghost just before Father’s Day, and I was forced to use a point-and-shoot in poor lighting. Oh, the inhumanity!)

I was inspired by these amazingly manly cupcakes by Diamonds for Dessert. Hers are way cuter, but the idea was so great I had to give it a go.

I started with a chocolate cake and chocolate frosting. And added some green frosting grass.

The grill and D-A-D are made from a cookie dough (see the inspiration post for recipe). You form a bowl by baking the dough over crumpled aluminum foil. Next time, I need to crumple a little better, or maybe even use a muffin tin. The legs are made from pretzels and the whole thing is glued together with frosting. I also laid the pretzels across the top (before it was time to light the grill) as the grill rack. The fire is set by soaking sugar cubes in lemon extract. Of course, we removed the pretzels before lighting the cube with a lighter.

Who wouldn’t be excited by a cake on fire? Especially when it says “Hot Stuff” in orange chocolate!

So if you want to get your man “fired-up” for Father’s Day, you might want to give this a shot. See the post at Diamonds for Dessert with lots of great detailed instructions on how to heat up your Father’s Day dessert!



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  1. Kendra, that is just awesome!! I absolutely love it! I think I have to add that to our Father’s Day plans this year. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Stephanie Anderson says

    I love your ideas….because they are amazing AND DOable! I just ordered a fire pit for my husband for us to enjoy this summer, and this cake idea is perfect to go along with it!! Thank you, thank you.

  3. That is the coolest Father’s Day cake!!! SO fun!!!

  4. The most amazing Father’s Day cake I’ve ever seen!! :)Like your blog!

  5. I love the idea. Very Creative! I thought the flaming sugar cubes were marshmallow’s at first.

  6. I have to admit that this is a pretty unique idea.

  7. This is awesome! You had me at the grilling apron from Pinterest. But I’m so glad that you shared the cakes as well. It is epic!


  1. […] #10)Hot Stuff Grilling Father {My Insanity} – “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day for the the grill master (or hot man) in your life. DIY grilling apron and cake that lights on fire! […]

  2. […] #10)Hot Stuff Grilling Father {My Insanity} – “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day for the the grill master (or hot man) in your life. DIY grilling apron and cake that lights on fire! […]

  3. […] #10)Hot Stuff Grilling Father {My Insanity} – “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day for the the grill master (or hot man) in your life. DIY grilling apron and cake that lights on fire! […]

  4. […] #10)Hot Stuff Grilling Father {My Insanity} – “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day for the the grill master (or hot man) in your life. DIY grilling apron and cake that lights on fire! […]

  5. […] apron for a man  |  stenciled grilling apron  |  monogrammed apron  |  carnivore […]

  6. […] 79. make your hubby a fun barbeque apron – ‘I turn Grills On’ from Me & My Insanity […]

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