Fancy Girlie Easter Basket

Fancy Nancy Easter Basket Gift

Recently I was challenged to fashion an Easter basket for a girl using items found at my local Fry’s (Kroger) grocery store. Since Fry’s is one of the stores I frequent I thought it would be fun to see what I could find there and with my daughters in mind.

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I was immediately drawn to the cute polka-dotted baskets that come in several sizes and colors. I grabbed a few bags of the green crinkled paper basket filler–I much prefer these to the plastic ones–that also comes in several bright colors to fill the basket.

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There were lots of fun candy and toy options, but I didn’t really know what direction to take my basket until I found this cute Fancy Nancy Easter book! My 6-year-old LOVES Fancy Nancy. Heck, I think she is Fancy Nancy–with the way she talks and the outfits she comes up with! I knew our basket needed to be a FANCY basket.

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Individual egg cups with polka dots are very fancy! I got one for each of my girls. I think I need one too! Maybe I’ll go back. And gold is very fancy and very hot right now. I got a package of golden plastic eggs and filled a couple with jelly beans to sit on the egg cups.

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I kind of fell in love with the fancy Lindt Easter chocolate offerings. I decorated the rest of the basket with carrot shaped chocolates. And where there are carrots, there must be bunnies–preferably gold, chocolate bunnies–nearby. The sweet little lambs also stood guard.

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I scattered Whopper eggs and jelly beans throughout (gotta make them work for them, right?). When I had put it all together, I realized I need to add a few finishing touches to make it fancy enough for our purposes.

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I added some faux flowers I had around the house to a couple of spots on the handle. I was able to wrap the stems on with some twine. Wire might be more secure. If you were putting this together right before Easter it would be oh, so, fancy to add fresh flowers from the floral department! You could put them in a small vase, or maybe get some of those floral water tubes to stick the stems in so they will stay fresh a little longer. Wouldn’t that just delight your fancy girl?

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I also designed a fancy egg-shaped tag to attach to the basket. I will probably write my girls’ names on it in gold ink. (I am sharing the printable–read on for how to get it!)

Fancy Nancy Easter Basket

Then my 12-year-old and I came up with a detail that is not so much about being fancy–though we did use a fancy font for our note from E. Bunny! It is very important to me that Easter still be a religious celebration, even though I love a good egg-hunt and matching Easter outfits like no one else. I just figure that if the Easter Bunny is going to be bringing a basket for the kids, he should be reminding my children about the reason they are getting a gift in the first place. My daughter and I worked together to write this poem about the real reason for the season! I will have this available as a free printable to my Facebook fans, as well as the printable label above.

For more tips, tricks and Easter basket ideas for lots of different people in your life, visit the Fry’s Easter DIY Pinterest Board. I’m excited #EasterBasketHop around and see all of the great baskets that other bloggers have come up with!

Do you do Easter baskets for your kids? I’d love to hear about your traditions!

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Kroger/Banner for selecting me, to create this basket and post! I was provided a $100 Kroger/Banner gift card and an additional $25 Kroger/Banner gift card for supplies to thank me for my participation.

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  1. Victoria E. says

    Happy Resurection Sunday!! Today God sent His ONLY Son into the world to pay for ALL our sins, past present and future. He says, Repent ( stop sinning) and Believe I am God’s Son who died and Rose again on the 3rd day. This was an amazing thing. On the 3rd day, He rose, the tomb was empty. God say He is Immanual, God with us. We couldn’t be worthy enough, righteous enough. He had to come and fulfill the law of the old testament Himself. Noone was perfect but Him. He was never a man before, NEVER SINNED, so that made Him the unblemished perfect sacrificial lamb. The Lamb Of God, who takes a way the sin of the world. I encourage you to read your Bible. No other book, but the living world of God. Read the Book of John . Ask God if every word is literal and true. Ask Him sincerely. He will show you. The Bible says, What good is it to gain the whole world, if you lose your own soul. Search. This GIFT is from God. So that NONE shall boast, the Bible says, you can not earn it, only receive it. It was Finished he said , on the cross. We cannot try to earn this gift by trying to be worthy. A gift is freely given in LOVE. Accept it. Repent. And be saved. Romans 10:9 says Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. God says about the WORLD, not just the earth, He has ONE Son. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


  1. […] 2. 2 year olds love matching their moms. 3. Jesus is risen! (Thanks Pinterest for the Easter bunny poem.) 4. Brazilian chocolate is […]

  2. […] Sophisticated little girls will enjoy this fancy Easter basket. Polka-dotted fabric wrapped around a white basket stuffed with green crepe paper will make any […]

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