This is normally the kind of thing I might reserve for my personal blog, but because it is a great idea, and because Tip Junkie told me to, I’m sharing my word of the year with you. I think Ali Edwards may have been the first one to come up with the concept of choosing just one word to focus on all year. I like it because it is easy to remember, and gives a theme (if you will) to your more specific resolutions and goals. I have been thinking more in terms of a family motto, or short phrase for our whole family to remember and work on, probably inspired by Stephanie Nielson–although, I have yet to make a fancy dinner to celebrate our motto.
I too have selected Joy as my word for the year after reading Pres. Monson’s talk . I have tweaked it a bit thought to Finding Joy in MY Journey. I loved his quote so much I used it on my family Christmas card this year too.
I like that you changed it from word of the year to your FAMILY MOTTO. What a great word to resonate through your actions!
That’s funny you know Ashlee. I actually found your blog through tip junky! Small world
I love the family motto idea. we first did this when going through the 40 Days of Purpose book, author Rick Warren encourages every family to have one. It was fun to come up with it -maybe this will be the year I will actually get it on the wall like I’ve always wanted to!
Ashlee is my sister. :o)
Small world
Now, that is a great family motto.