After a weekend like the one I’ve just had, it’s hard to know even where to begin to blog! It has been a whirlwind of excitement, information, fun, friendship, and ideas! I am worn out! But excited about some of the things on the horizon for this blog, our Arizona Girl’s Nights Out, and other insanity that is brewing in my brain! I am uploading and going through my dozens of pictures from Creative Estates and will be sharing soon. Plus I will give you a full write up of our amazing Girls Night Out complete with all of the creative insanity there! But in the meantime, I’m going to start small, and show you the little box I made to hold my business cards for all of the networking I did this weekend.
Allison from Oopsey Daisy said it was genius, after all! So I must share! 🙂
Some how my before pictures didn’t take, so I can’t show you the Winnie the Pooh puzzle in a tin that I bought at the dollar store (Dollar Tree) for–get this–$1! I took the 25 puzzle pieces and put them in a ziploc and went to work covering up all of the Pooh (spelling is important in this sentence).
I should really probably read a tutorial before I go mod podging the world, because if you look closely, you will see some serious imperfections (just wanted it to look handmade, right?). I used some fun patterned wrapping paper I had found at Hobby Lobby on after Christmas clearance. But come on, polka dots and houndstooth are great all year, right?
I used an exacto knife to trim the edges, and a ribbon to cover where the knife hadn’t been so exact. I had BSB print out my logo on a laser printer so it wouldn’t bleed and cut the red frame with my Silhouette. I mod podged it all on the top of the lid.
And here it is with my very cool (notice the matching frame) business cards that my friend Shelle (you can email her at shelliedesign{at}q{dot}com if you want her to do yours, too), helped me get designed and printed, just in time for Creative Estates. Which was so good, since everyone was trading business cards like little boys trade Pokemon cards, all conference long!
It was a great way to hold my cards, and have room to store all of the fun ones I collected as well! Any of you mod podgers have tips on avoiding bubbles while going over edges or uneven surfaces? Because these tins are a perfect size for lots of projects and will likely meet up with me and my mod podge again.
(Much more conference related stuff to come…stay tuned!)
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Did you revamp your blog? I thought I was already a follower, but when I linked up, I saw something new! If so, Love the LOGO!!!! I like to mod podge, but tins are something I plan trying in the next few weeks. (see my Goodwill Hunting post from a few days ago). My only suggestion would be to smooth around the edges very slllowwwwwlllllyyy :O)
It helps to use clothespins to hold the spots you just finished until they dry while you move onto the next spot. Not sure if this is helpful, but thought I would give it a shot!
Love the tin and the cards!
Ha! I just saw this.. Love the pic of my tweet! That makes my day. Yes, you are definitely a genius!! LOVED our time together at Creative Estates, girl! SO relieved that our blogging friendship holds true IRL (just learned what that stands for!), too!
Kendra I really enjoyed meeting you this weekend!! I think you are so fabulous! I'm going to steal your wardrobe. 😉
You did a great job with GNO – it was amazing!!
So excited that I've found you – and I'm following along now!
Allison is right. This is genius. I have an Altoids box that I am going to try and make over now so I can have a cool card holder like you!
Kendra…it was fabulous to meet you even if only briefly on the very last night at almost the last second. Friday night was amazing.
This business card holder is fantastic! I need like 4 this weekend – wow I have a lot of cards!
So happy to have found you and now to be inspired by your creativity!
504 Main
Wow! Sounds like so much fun. Love your blog and I am excited to follow along!
It was nice meeting you Kendra! Love the business card holder. My only suggestion would be to put a light coat of mod podge on the surface and slowly pull the paper. But, sometimes you need to saturate the paper with mod podge so it's more flexible. Often if you find bubbles when it's wet, they will dry out so don't over work it or you stretch the paper.