I showed you the indoor Halloween decorations and promised some outdoor decor, too. Thanks to Pinterest, I found an easy way to add a little more impact to our outdoor decor this year, with out spending any money!

This idea was originally from Lowes, I think. I took the tomato cages from the garden (the plants were long since dead), flipped them over and covered them in Christmas lights.
Not sure if you can tell in this picture, but we just spray painted the railing on the porch. I have been wanting to ever since we painted the front door and it just happened. Anyway, we had a roll of thick plastic drop cloth for that project. I took the extra that wasn’t covered in paint and made little ghosts for each tomato cage. (btw, we are in the seeding stage of our winter grass which is why the front lawn looks more like manure than grass–but it kind of works for Halloween, right?)
Any way, I just cinched the plastic at the top, secured it, and then flipped it inside out to cover the cage. I used sharpie markers to draw on simple ghost faces. I love how it lights up our lawn and will welcome the trick or treaters.
You can see them here with our other Halloween decor.
We can’t put out the real pumpkins until Halloween or they will mold–although this morning the weather was almost slightly chilly–Hooray!
I wish I could find a way to light up our giant spider web at night. I love how it looks down on the ghosts.
So have you got any plastic or tomato cages hanging around? How do you decorate out front? Do you like our friendly ghosts, or do you prefer the more gruesome Halloween decor like the house down the street from us, who undoubtedly won the HOA competition?
(You can’t even see the flying banshee in this one.)
Hope you’ve got as many fun festivities this weekend as we do!
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[…] I used the same basic idea for the Halloween ghosts. […]