There is still so much to share with you about SNAP Conference from April! (I know, it’s been a while). This time I’m doing it with an awesome GIVEAWAY!! (See the end of the post for details!)
There is much to be gained, just from being in the presence of other creative like-minded women, but besides the power of those interactions, I learned so much from every class and workshop I attended! I tried to tweet lots of good take-aways, but my phone kept dying. Here are a few of my conference tweets:
From the SEO class by Dennis Goedegebuure:
(I still have so much to learn about SEO, but these are some ideas that were relevant to me at my level).
- Check out WordPress SEO smart links plug-in. & Juice.
- Rather than asking for likes…”@RhonnaFarrer: Put your energy into making things that are likeable. #SEO #snapconf @TheNextCorner”
- If your content isn’t date specific, consider leaving date out of permalink.#snapconf
From the Keynote address by best-selling author, Cheryl Najafi–who has given me a signed copy of her new book to giveaway to on of my readers on THIS post (see below!)
- “make sure your conversations have heart and soul” @CherylStyle on entertaining #snapconf
- Great idea, right? “@PenningtonPoint: Now I want to have a “meet & potato” party @CherylStyle #snapconf”
- Instead of worrying about being the perfect host, spend that energy making your guests feel special. – @CherylStyle #SNAPConf
- “Embrace your best. Resource the rest.” #cherylstyle #snapconf
- “@snapconf: I love that @CherylStyle just called bloggers a “movement”… It’s so true. #SNAPconf” Absolutely! 🙂
- As a host, it’s not about me, it’s about the guests! @cherylnajafi #snapconf
I loved her philosophy on entertaining!! More about Cheryl in a minute!
From the video class by Roger Sherman
- Great video tips from @GreatHomeVideo 1-Hold Steady (watch orientation of camera–needs to be wide screen) #snapconf
- More tips from @GreatHomeVideo: Don’t pan back and forth! Cut, reposition and start again. Makes sense! No edit later! #snapconf
- Don’t zoom!–Zooming is death! @GreatHomeVideo, I thought I was the only one that was bad at that! #snapconf
- Keep shots short and vary your angles. Shooting video @GreatHomeVideo #snapconf
- Get close close close up on what ever your subject is. @GreatHomeVideo #snapconf
- Use natural light for photos and video! Experiment with times of day for best light @GreatHomeVideo #snapconf
Loved the class “From Blog to Book” featuring Courtney Dial of Pizzazzerie, Marie of Make and Takes, and Betty of Random House (senior editor of Potter Craft)! It got the wheels turning!
- View social media as part of your business. Even better, it’s free! via @pizzazzerie #snapconf
- Proposals need to be very specific. Show publishers exactly what your book will be. @makeandtakes #snapconf
- Make sure and keep track of your press! Promote yourself thoroughly to publishers. (Not the time to be humble.) #snapconf
- 1st step: book proposal.Reflection of you and what your book will be. Audience? @CrafterNews #blogtobook #snapconf
- Book Proposal–make sure it reflects your creativity and professionalism. Proposal can be only 8-9 pages. #blogtobook #snapconf
- RT @emihill: The size of your blog doesn’t matter. Being online puts you a step ahead of a lot of publishers. via @makeandtakes #snapconf
From the Defining your Style class by Ana White that I didn’t get to attend (but retweeted):
- LOVE THIS! “Be yourself because everyone else is taken.” via @_anawhite #snapconf
From flower arranging class brilliantly taught by Megan of Persimmon Floral Design (I already do flowers, but hadn’t used this method before):
- Make a grid out of skinny tape on top of your vase to keep your flowers in place. #snapconf @persimmonfloral
I must have been too engrossed to tweet, but I learned to much from Melanie at Royal Design Studios. If only I had attended her class before attempting this project.
Her big secret: Off-loading. She uses a bristled brush (not a roller or a foam pouncer), but off-loads a ton of paint before applying it!
And I don’t remember what all the folks at Scentsy taught us about the science of creating scents, but I do remember how much fun I had sampling everything and then getting to design my own personal scent. It’s harder than it looks!
And from the hilarious and inspiring Keynote by Matt Townsend:
- Who’s going to change the world if you don’t? @matttownsend #snapconf
- Your confidence should come from knowing how to fly, not from where you are perched. Matt Townsend #snapconf
The stenciling advice is great. I have had some bad luck with stencils so I loved the tip about using a bristle brush and offloading paint.
Kendra You and Cindy were the best Road Trip Buddies EVER!! Luv you!!
I attended SNAP and that Cheryl book is one I definitely covet!
I loved your session Kendra, specially one of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten: Be a hoarder! LOL
Thanks for an amazing giveaway, Kendra!!!
I didn’t attend SNAP, but oh I wish I had. This looks like a super fun, inspiring event. I most enjoyed your discussion of From Blog to book.
I have been dying to get my hands on that book! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and for always having creative ideas!
I attended snap (loved your party planning on a budget session btw) and I think one of my biggest takeaways was actually from the blog to book session. I learned how much work it takes to get a book published and promoted!
I loved the idea about the tape on the top of your flower vase. I love that and can totally use it.
Thanks for all of the great tips! I’m excited to try out the stencil off-loading tip!
That looks like such an amazing and inspiring conference! I wish I could have attended; perhaps one at a later date. I loved what @RhonnaFarrer said about doing things that are likeable. I find it frustrating when people want all the rewards without putting in any of the work; I’m still climbing up the ladder myself, but I have very clear ideas as to where I want to get to – and I’m not afraid of working hard in order to achieve those goals.
It’s so important to network, be supportive, be pleasant and communicative, have real conversations, and inspire and be inspired. And yes – that is hard work, but it is well worth it in the end.
I didn’t attend SNAP but would’ve loved too! I loved the information you posted about the flower arranging class brilliantly taught by Megan of Persimmon Floral Design.