Adapting Artwork for the Seasons with Silhouette

Have you been Cyber Shopping till you drop today? Don’t forget that you can still get 40% off of Silhouette products through Friday using the code: INSANITY. You might want to grab some new vinyl so you can do a project like this simple one I’m going to show you today!

This watercolor painting is a lovely piece of art by James Harvey Taylor (who happens to be my husband’s uncle) that normally is on display in our home–without any wording. Rather than remove all of my artwork for the holidays, to make room for decorations, I thought I could play up the frosty appearance of this picture by adding some song lyrics on the glass in vinyl cut by my Silhouette.

The lyrics of the only Thanksgiving carol I can think of, seemed like the perfect addition to the artwork.

I mixed script and print fonts and cut it out of Silhouette gold vinyl.

I wish my pictures could do justice to the pretty shimmery quality of the vinyl.

And one of the best things about vinyl, is that it isn’t permanent, so as we pull out the Christmas/winter decorations, I changed the vinyl words on the picture to reflect the new holiday season.

Bonus points for the first person who can tell me which song these lyrics are from: “Over the ground lies a mantle of White”

I used the same gold vinyl for most of the lyrics and white vinyl for the word “White” to make it stand out.

I flanked the picture with my coffee filter winter trees from last year. You can see how I made those here.

So maybe you don’t have a beautiful wintry painting hanging around. I can think of lots of different ways you could adapt this idea. Maybe add the words of a Christmas carol or a favorite scripture to religious art. Or what about cutting santa hats out of red vinyl with fuzzy white vinyl trim and place them on the heads of the members of your family pictures. You could add frosted vinyl snowflakes to mirrors! So many options!

Congratulations to Megan A. for winning the Design Studio Software! If you didn’t win you might want to go pick it up along with some of these other deals. Just remember to use code: INSANITY



Have you started decorating for Christmas? Do you put all of your normal decor away for the season, or decorate around it?

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  1. “Winter Wonderland” 🙂

    • Of course, YOU would know! 🙂 I’m wondering if anyone outside of our family sings that verse. It’s actually my favorite part of the song!

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