Marshmallow World Christmas Re-cap

Each year I choose a theme for my Christmas decor, gifts, clothing, etc. I do it, not because I think everyone should, but because with so many great ideas and options out there, a theme helps give me focus and direction in my decision-making…AND it makes me happy when things tie-in and go together. My themes are often taken from lyrics or titles of songs. Past themes have included “A Partridge in a Pear Tree,” “There’s No Place like HOME for the Holidays,” “Sugar Plum Fairies.” I’ve already picked out next years theme, because I’m crazy like that.

This year was “Marshmallow World,” again like a song. I used marshmallows in the wreath I made for my Tatertots and Jello guest post.

I would have decorated with marshmallows hanging all over my house, if my son wouldn’t have eaten them, so I substituted cotton balls for those and went for a “Winter Wonderland” (ooh. Another song! BTW, I sing the first solo line in this crazy collaboration) feeling throughout the house. I couldn’t quite talk my husband into a flocked tree for Christmas, but I did decorate with whites and metallics to give it a frosty feel and even added a little white puffball trim.

We took marshmallows and cotton balls with us to the cotton field where we took our holiday pictures and made it “snow.” In this part of Arizona cotton is the closest thing we get to snow.

Well, some of us had other ideas about what to do with the marshmallow.

We made homemade marshmallows for the first time and delivered them to friends. They weren’t as difficult as I thought they might be.

I bought the girls faux fur capelets to wear in the picture and to church on Sunday. The boys ties are light brown with white dots that look a little like snowballs to me.

My mom made us pajamas again, and the girls jammies (at least) were wintry white. I couldn’t refuse my son’s request for baseball pajamas. I am a baseball mom, after all.

We had snowballs for Christmas breakfast. Ok, they are really ebelskivers (Danish pancakes) dusted in powdered sugar. They are really yummy and fun.

We had a white and gold tablescape for dinner.

But perhaps the best part of our wintry theme came when my sister-in-law and her boyfriend brought us a cooler full of real snow on as they came down from the high country and we had our own Christmas Day snowball fight! A novelty in Phoenix, for sure!

We had a great holiday just being together and spending time with family and friends. If I could only figure out how to keep Christmas from coming so fast. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are enjoying the New Year!


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