Piggy Bank Parties Printable Favor Boxes

I’m excited to introduce Do from Piggy Bank parties! She is guest posting today and sharing her amazing printable favor boxes. Each one is more fantastic than the last! I’m even more excited because she is sending some for my collaborative Party Party Party Table. So you get a sneak peek today! And you get more than that!! She’s sharing her customizable design for free with you!!

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Greetings from the PiG PeN! I’m Do (pronounced Dough) from Piggy Bank Parties and this lil’ piggy’s thrilled to be hanging out on Kendra’s blog today. I “met” Kendra via the blogosphere a couple of years ago and adore her creative genius! Our crew jumped at the chance to celebrate her 5th Blogiversary and today I’m sharin’ a lil’ behind the scenes look at our contribution to the party!

During the past year, I developed a passion for designing favor boxes. Not your everyday favor boxes though. Ours are a bit unique…just like us! Here are a few examples of the 63 favor boxes we created in 2012…

Each favor box template is designed by me and then J, our illustrator and my hubs, brings each design to life. We have tons of fun hearing the reactions of our clients and fans to our HAM-made works of art. To make them affordable, we offer them as DIY printables and you can print as many as you need for personal use.

For Kendra’s celebration, we were inspired by her logo and the blog’s graph paper. We wanted to use a simple shape so the boxes could be stacked to create a fun vignette.

To make these boxes extra special, we added our “Create-Your-Own” feature which allows you to personalize the box using Adobe Reader (free download here). We set up the font, font size and font color (these cannot be edited) so you simply open the file within Adobe Reader, click on the highlighted text box, type in the text and print.

After personalizing and printing the boxes, we cut them out with scissors, scored and folded them along the dotted lines, added a bit of adhesive and assembled each one per the directions included in the PDF file. Then they were filled with goodies and…Ta-Da! Insane Party Favors for Kendra’s celebration!

Did I mention that we are sending you home with a party favor? That’s right! You get to create your very own Insane Party Favor Boxes for your next celebration!

{break for a Happy Dance!}

Download these insanely fun favor boxes here!

It’s been so exciting to hang out with y’all today! Happy 5th Blogiversary, Kendra!

Now it’s time to Party! Party!

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Note: We encourage you to wrap your edible goodies before placing them in the boxes. Since you are printing on paper, goodies with high fat or oil contents may damage the box if not wrapped.

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Don’t forget!! It’s not too late to get your parties linked up to the annual Party Party contest! Voting begins on Wednesday. You could win prizes from Piggy Bank Parties and some other amazing party places!



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  1. Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you today, Kendra! Happy 5th Blogiversary! ?

    • Thank you, Do! For your awesome contribution and printable. One of these days, I need to get you to teach me how to make downloads customizable.


  1. […] guest posting over on Me & My Insanity today. Hop on over and help me celebrate Kendra’s 5th Blogiversary here. {Psst! I heard […]

  2. […] week I had the pleasure of guest blogging on My Insanity in honor of Kendra’s 5th Blogiversary. In case you missed it, I wanted to share my post […]

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