Photo by Emilie Class Giveaway!

Do you have a DSLR? Are you still shooting on automatic mode? Are you struggling with getting good lighting in your pictures? Would you like to know better what to do with your images in Photoshop?

OCT CLASSES time line template

If you answered yes to any of those questions you are going to want to pay attention! I met Emilie at Snap Conference. She is a talented photographer, great teacher and really nice person. Right now she is offering really affordable on-line workshops to help those of us that still have a bit to learn about photography!


The classes start TOMORROW! But don’t be stressed out if you can’t make it to the live class. Each session is recorded and you get to have the recording to watch at a convenient time or to refer back to when you are putting your new skills in action.

Photo by Emilie

I love that she has topics for a variety of skill levels. For example, I have been shooting in manual mode for several years now, so I wouldn’t get a lot out of a very basic workshop, but I really needed some help with lighting my photos for my blog. Emilie’s workshops gave me some great ideas and she shares them with lots of visual examples and diagrams to make it really clear. photobyemilie

Here are all the details about the workshops:

-Each class is 1 hour
-Classes will be online
-Recording of the classes will be provided
-Each Class is $35
-Basics of Manual Mode
-How to identify & Create perfect lighting
-My 3 step editing process
-Basics of Design in Photoshop


And now for the fun part! I’m giving away a FREE photography class of your choice! Don’t worry if the class is scheduled too soon as you will have access to the recording. Simply leave me a comment below telling me which class you would choose and why. GOOD LUCK!
And if you haven’t gotten off auto mode, yet, I say DO IT! It is completely life-changing!


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  1. I would love the basics of manual mode class!

  2. I love taking photos and would love to learn a bit more. I’d start with the basic manual mode. Tanks!!!

  3. I need it all!!hahahaha!!

  4. Basics of manual mode – my photos are so blurry since I upgraded my camera!

  5. I would choose the “How to identify & create perfect lighting” class. We have a giant window in our living room/kitchen area and it always seems to mess with my photos (when it’s open and closed). It would be great to learn how to use it to my advantage!

  6. I would love the lighting class as well!

  7. Back lighting or using windows. Both sound very helpful!

  8. i would probably do the basics of manual mode because i just can’t get out of automatic or maybe the photoshop because i’ve had it for almost 2 years. the only thing i ever do is resize images which is really lame.

  9. I’d love to take “My 3 step editing process.” I need to simplify my photo editing process – – right now, there is no method to the madness and it is taking me too long!

  10. I would love to perfect my lighting, so definitely the lighting class! What a fun giveaway!

  11. Capturing light and bright images in dark areas!!! I need it BADLY!!!!

  12. The basics class (since i’ve been taking modt pics with my phone…i need a refresher:)

  13. I would either do the manual mode basics class or the lighting! So fun! I’ve heard such great things about her classes!

  14. I can’t choose between the light pictures in dark lighting or bright eyes with blurry background. Love Emilie’s photos, Hope I win!

  15. I’d love to attend any of the classes!

  16. Sheree Hartung says

    Oooh! I would really love the “sharp eyes blurry background” workshop!!

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