Preschool Valentine’s Party

Preschool Valentines Party Title

Last year around this time I was part of a pre-school co-op. We traded having school at each house, and somehow I ended up with the honor of hosting many of our pre-school parties (and yes I love it. I’m not complaining). We had a Halloweeen, Thanksgiving, and Christmas party at our house and also a Valentine’s party. I don’t have a ton of photos of this Valentine’s party and it’s been long enough that I don’t remember everything we did, but I thought I would share some of the kid-friendly food ideas we had, as well as some educational Valentines activities.

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For the educational part of the day I found some great worksheets on Of course, learning is much more fun when you do it with candy hearts. We did counting and patterns.

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The moms joined us for the food portion of the event and were so great to bring dishes to fit the theme (mostly my suggestions). preschool party-12


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We had hot dog hearts made by slicing hot dogs at an angle and putting them together with spaghetti with cheese arrowhead and feathers.

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For more kid-friendly fare, one of the moms made cheese crisps and cut them into heart shapes with a cookie cutter.

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We made some heart-shaped tomatoes. These don’t look as pretty as they did on Pinterest. Cut the edges off of two grape tomatoes and put the two together, securing with a toothpick.

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I took a shortcut with these cookies. They are just graham crackers frosted with white icing and out-lined in red to look like envelopes that might contain valentines or love letters.

We also handed out Valentines to each other. You can see the ones we put together on this post.

I hope this gives you a few ideas for  ways you might celebrate with the little people in your lives this Valentine’s Day!

You can see more of my inspiration for this party on my Preschool Valentine’s Pinterest board.


For more preschool ideas, check out my Pinterest Board.

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  1. So many clever and fun food ideas! Really loving those hot dog hearts!

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