Homemade Lemon Ice Cream

homemade lemon ice cream hero

Is there anything that says summer better than lemon?

I know!

How about ice cold, fresh, homemade lemon ice cream?

My husband’s family has a long held tradition of making lemon ice cream when the temperatures rise. He made it for me when we were dating. It might just be one of the reasons we got married. homemade lemon ice cream-1628

The other day he got a hankering (probably inspired by the fact that I cleaned out the pantry and now the ice cream maker was in plain sight), and made a batch. He has doctored up the recipe a little from what his family did originally. But the end result is absolutely delish!

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I posted a picture and some commentary on Instagram and based on the response, decided I’d better share the recipe here, with his permission, of course. homemade lemon ice cream-1654

The recipe I’m sharing is BSB’s version. The original did not include yogurt, used heavy cream, and not quite so much lemon juice. So there is room for adjustment according to preference.

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But for me, the fresh lemon juice and lemon zest are the key to this recipe. It makes this ice cream so flavorful and refreshing!



Homemade Lemon Ice Cream

Homemade Lemon Ice Cream


  • 1 quart half and half
  • 1/2 quart whole milk
  • 3 cups vanilla yogurt
  • 3 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest
  • 1.5 tablespoons lemon extract
  • Few drops yellow food coloring (if desired)


  1. Blend lemon juice and zest in a blender until zest is very fine. Mix all ingredients, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Pour into an ice cream freezer and freeze. Will be soft when finished. Transfer to a Tupperware container and leave in the kitchen freezer overnight to harden. Or consume immediately if you can't wait. It tastes even better the next day.
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Hope you enjoy! What is your favorite summer treat to make! homemade lemon ice cream-1657

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  1. Its wonderful. oranges use lemon very effective in our daily life if we use them.

  2. Kendra,

    This sounds absolutely delish! I wonder if it would taste just as good if soy milk, almond milk or coconut milk were used. I’m a vegan.

  3. Thanks for the tips, my daughter had the ice cream maker once when she was really small and was upset when it actually did not make anything near ice cream, maybe this will cheer her up..

  4. Great article, looks faboulous and tasty. I can not wait to try this out. Will definately returning regulary to check out any new articles and will share and reccomend to freind and family

  5. it’s wonderful,

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