After tabulating the results on the Party Party page and adding them to the repins and likes on my Pinterest board.. …I am finally ready to declare the winner of the Party Party Contest of 2013 who has now earned all bragging rights plus the amazing collection of prizes from Bake it Pretty, Piggy Bank […]
Piggy Bank Parties Printable Favor Boxes
I’m excited to introduce Do from Piggy Bank parties! She is guest posting today and sharing her amazing printable favor boxes. Each one is more fantastic than the last! I’m even more excited because she is sending some for my collaborative Party Party Party Table. So you get a sneak peek today! And you get […]
5th Annual Party Party
Let’s get it started in here!! This is the official post for the 5th annual Blogiversary Party Party. Your chance to show us what amazing parties you threw in 2012 for a chance to win internet fame and prizes from the likes of … Piggy Bank Parties Bake It Pretty Vintage Rose Wraps Confetti Sunshine (details […]
Happy Birthday to My Insanity!
5 years!!!! Can you believe I have been doing this for 5 years?!? (Photo from County Fair Birthday party–not yet blogged). I cannot. But the date on my first post says Jan. 15, 2008. And 2013 minus 2008 = 5, right? So that means it’s time for a big celebration! Because 5 years in blog […]
Party Party Winner Announced
Perfection is not usually a word I like to associate with party planning. Inevitably something goes wrong at the last minute, or time runs out for some of the amazing plans to come to life–Perfection just seems to be too lofty a goal. Yet, when I think about the party that has been voted as […]
Party Party Finalists! VOTE now!
And now…. The moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived! Announcing the 10 finalists in our annual Party Party as selected by our guest judge, the amazing Brittany of One Charming Party, and now the new owner of Bake it Pretty. The winner of our party party contest will receive fabulous prizes from Delightfully […]
Party Party Prizes!
The winner of our 4th annual Party Party will be getting some very pretty prizes to aid in future party planning! The winner will receive one of these adorable handmade Kylie Cake Stands in their choice of colors by Delightfully Lovely (value $30), and $25 store credit to My Little Love — an online party boutique! Here’s […]
Party Party 2012
Welcome to my PARTY Party! This year, the place is decked out with ruffled crepe paper in bright colors, and festive latin music to greets you at the door. You’re going to have to take my word for it, since automatic music is such a bloggy faux pas! (I’ll show you soon the party I’m […]
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