
Update (6/8/2010):  I’m really appreciating the feedback! I have inserted a screenshot below of what the blog should look like if you have the right monitor and wait for the background to load.   Along with my house, my blog has been in need of some major organizing and cleaning-up for a long time!  I […]

‘Tis the Season

I haven’t been able to post as much as I’d like to.  I’ve been busy doing this: and this: And stuff like this, which is just awaiting a few final details (like being hung), which is why I can’t show you my holiday home tour, yet.   I’m almost there, but I need my husband for […]

It’s My Birthday—You Get the Presents! (Gratitude Giveaway Winners Announced)

{image: Martha Stewart} Yes.  Today is my birthday.  I am now the same age as Angelina Jolie, and only a few kids behind her.  (Do you know what age that is?)  My 8-yr-old daughter gave me a lovely card stating that she loves me and how she is glad I’m her mom, etc., and then […]

Black Diamond Floor Cleaning System-Gratitude Giveaway #2

Believe it or not, after I posted about this table, I received a comment (I like those, by the way), from a reader who wanted to know how I kept my floors so clean.  I never really answered her, because the the truthful answer I wanted to give was…careful photo editing!  In fact, since this […]

Insanity on the Small Screen

So, on the off chance that any of you have been dying to see and hear me discuss my insanity, (and not just blog about it), Wednesday is your lucky day! I have started contributing to the Mom Time TV show, and my first episode is airing this week. Here is the preview of the […]

A Peek at "Miracle Worker Week"

I wanted to share a few shots to illustrate all of the insanity and industry going on around here this week. For those of you who don’t know, I call the weeks my parents come to town “miracle worker weeks,” because they come to work on my projects and they are good at what they […]

My Newest Creative Project

So I’ve been spending a lot of time an energy on a new creative project. I imagine it will continue to occupy much of my attention for quite a while, but it won’t be ready for it’s big reveal until the first part of May. Any guesses what it is?


I am happy to report that the pirate party was a success, despite an uncharacteristically strong rainstorm, that hindered some of the party preparations. I am told that some of the party guests continued to play “pirates” through the afternoon at their own homes, so I think that means they had fun. It will take […]

I Need Professional Help…

OK. So I think that has been established for a while now, but what I’m really after today is some advice (professional or non), and I always get the best answers when I ask my blog friends. See I’m hosting an Extreme Makeover (Furniture Edition) party next week, (I hope to see you all here), […]

A Peek At My Booty

View Full Album I think I’ll lose half of my followers with a title like that (and maybe gain a few that will be disappointed), but I just couldn’t resist. And if you aren’t sure what kind of booty I am referring to, go here. Technically I acquired everything you see here legally, so it […]