Potter Party Anyone?

So I’m not the world’s biggest Harry Potter fan (like it, but not fanatical), but I don’t live under a rock, and I know that there is a new movie coming out this week, and I know some of you are excited beyond belief about it. If you are one of those people, you have to see what another one of those people, Denise @ Little Ant Design, is doing to prepare for the blessed event.
Since they are going to the theatre, she is bringing the party with them, designing her own tickets (real movie tickets are tucked inside), and goodie bags, to eat while waiting in line.
Take out from “The Three Broomsticks.” Go to her site for all of the details and more info on how she made the gorgeous tickets.
If you are a big Harry Potter fan, today is your lucky day, because Toni @ Design Dazzle has a comprehensive round-up post about all kinds of Harry Potter Party ideas and a download for these Butterbeer labels. Go check it out! But don’t feel bad if you can’t replicate the Hogwart’s Castle Cake featured there. I can…in my dreams.
You’re welcome, Potter fans! 🙂
(Visited 46 times, 1 visits today)


  1. I'm not a Potter fan, but I love the party stuff! It could be changed up a bit & look great for Halloween!

  2. Jennifer says

    Woah, this is serious business, isn't it? I'm like you, I enjoy the movies, but I haven't read any of the books – much to my friends' dismay. She threw her three boys a Harry Potter themed/costumed birthday party, and it was site to behold! LOL!

  3. Brooke Meyenberg says

    Denise and her creativity continue to amaze me. What a treat! What a talent! 🙂

  4. designdazzle.blogspot.com says

    Thanks so much for featuring my labels:) I love coming to your site – you are so creative!!

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