This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Wonderful Watercolor Valentines

I sat down today to figure out my plan for this years’ school Valentines, and realized I had never shared my printable watercolor valentines from last year! These were really fun to put together for me and for my artistic daughter. Step 1: Print out my free printable Valentines (see below) and cut them apart. […]

Cute and Clever Valentines from 2015

If you follow me on Instagram, this post may look rather familiar. While the blog was kind of quiet, I was overgramming over on instagram. These are the valentines I sent with my elementary school students for their friends for Valentine’s Day. The joke valentine is a printable from the always-clever Erika over at Yellow […]

Nerdy School Valentines for your Smarties

It’s one of my big traditions:  Coming up with clever, and not-too-often-seen Valentine’s cards for my kids to take to school each year. In our area handmade Valentines are very rare and definitely stand out from the crowd. Sometimes they can be a lot of work leaving moms to wonder if they are really worth […]

Five Creative School Valentines

Before we leave Valentine’s Day in the dust and start hopping down the bunny trail, I wanted to show you the fun Valentines I came up with for my kids (and me) to hand out this year. This was the first time in many years, that their faces weren’t plastered all over their valentines, but […]

Valentines 2012

Happy 100th Birthday, Arizona! Isn’t that what you are all celebrating today? I guess I’m not doing much for it either, except to remind you that 100 years ago, AZ got it in gear enough to complete the contiguous 48 states. Go Arizona! But rather than Arizona flags to wave, I sent my children to […]

School Valentines 2011

Leave it to me to take a great simple idea and turn it into a great complicated one. I loved the valentines we made for my son’s class last year, and since he is at a new school and my daughter hadn’t done these before, we decided it was a great enough concept for a […]

Sweet and Simple Valentines

My daughter needed some valentines to hand out at her preschool party this week. I was not (still am not) finished with the insane valentines I am doing with the kids (will reveal on Monday), and didn’t have the time or energy to come up with something too complicated. There have been so many fun […]

Valentine’s Days Past: School Valentines

The Party Party is going strong and I must say that I have been blown away by many of the nearly 100 parties linked up.  You have until Saturday to get your party in for Chris (Celebrations @ Home) and Kim (The TomKat Studio) to judge.  Don’t forget, there are 5 awesome party prizes up […]