This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Quick and Easy Father’s Day Ideas

Are you feeling a little pressed for time before Father’s Day this week? These ideas are quick to put together and work well if you are trying to get the kids to help the kids come up with a gift for their dad. #1) Framed Father’s Day Quote {Somewhat Simple} – It doesn’t get any […]

Father’s Day Gift Idea Round-Up

Don’t panic, but Father’s Day is on SUNDAY! Have you come up with that perfect gift for your Dad or your man? Never fear! The Dating Divas have teamed up with all of the craziest creative bloggers (that is a compliment, remember?), to bring you a dozen or so fabulous DIY gift options that will […]

Father’s Day Gift Idea

Father’s Day gift giving can be tough! It’s hard to come up with a special gift for a dad, since most men go out and buy what they want anyway, right?. That is why I often opt for those gifts that are really sentimental and/or cute, rather than gear and gadgets. I’ve shared lots of […]

Hot Stuff Father’s Day

Father’s Day last year was pretty hot. BSB’s main gift was a new grill (well, a new-to-us grill that the neighbors were getting rid of when they moved), so we had a “Hot Stuff”-themed Father’s Day. I made this grilling apron for him for his other gift. I couldn’t resist the scandalous play on words. And […]

Elmer’s Craft and Tell Party- Father’s Day Crafting

I was fortunate enough to be asked to host an Elmer’s “Craft and Tell” party this month. They sent me a box loaded to gills with all kinds of crafting tools and goodies! My instructions were to CRAFT and then TELL you about it. (Well there were a few more instructions than that, but you get the […]

My Pop Rocks!!!

Does yours?  Then tell him with a poppin’ gift basket! This is my final Father’s Day idea post this year, but you still have time to throw this one together, if you hurry. Remember our “She’s About to Pop” baby shower?  We were amazed at the number of things you can find that use the word […]