A Pirate’s Party for Me!

It be time for me account of me pirate party, mates!
No, I don’t think I can write an entire post in pirate speak. You’ll just have to enjoy the occasional pirate outburst. I’m going to give you the guest’s view of the party today. Next week, I’ll break it down and give you the behind the scenes, DIY tips, with my resources and ideas. So come on back, if ye be planning yer own pirate party. (It comes and it goes.)
20090829_0248Our little scalawags were sent word of the gathering by a message in a bottle. It contained a rough map of our neighborhood with a big red X, where our house would be.invitation
This was the scene when the guests arrived. (Minus the serving girl and the miniature scalawag in pink).
20090906_0456“X” Marks the spot!
20090906_0373 Inside, the “Jolly Roger” hung from the banister to let them know they were in pirate territory.
First stop: “The Buccaneer Outfitters

Here, the lovely Kristin (my SIL) outfitted each fledgling pirate with a bandana, a tattoo, an eye patch, a miniature telescope, and for those who were man enough to wear make-up, a little temporary facial hair.
Next, each pirate went to The Carpenter’s Shop, to make their special chests to carry the treasure they were sure to find before this adventure was over. They decorated them with jewels and gold coins.

Then it was time for a hearty meal before hitting the high seas, at Trenton’s Tavern:

On the menu was “Boiled Cracken” served on a bed of seaweed with a sprinkling of fish.20090906_0393
(OK. You all better chuckle at this one, since I don’t think any of the boys had seen “Pirates of the Caribbean” and had any frame of reference for the Cracken. The deviled egg is a sailboat about to get destroyed by the Cracken. Well, I thought it was pretty funny!)

The Captain, (a.k.a, the birthday boy), was brought a special dessert, in honor of his special day, but before the guests could partake, he had to put an end to the miniature cannon battle that ensued between the two cake ships.

After the table was cleared, our young pirates, soon realized that the table cloth they had been eating on was actually a treasure map. And it looked something like the backyard er, ocean out back of the tavern. So they headed out on their adventure…
The mast of a ship taking shelter from the storm (it actually rained all morning—hard—preventing much of the set-up that was intended for the outdoors, but pirates have to sail the stormy seas, so the adventure continued)

20090906_0419The treasure map on the table in the tavern, led them to the shipwreck (boat-shaped sandbox, where they found another treasure map in a bottle.20090906_043120090906_0420
That map lead them to the Pirate’s Graveyard, where they found, yet another map in a bottle. This map directed them to the Pirate’s lookout…
The final bottle found there had a map that lead them to the “Golden Gorge” around the side of the house castle.
Buried under some branches there, Captain Trenton found this Chest—obviously filled with amazing treasures!
But there was no key! What did those scalawags, do? Why they took the chest to the hangman, who strung it up, and let them all have turns trying to bust it open.
When at last the chest was opened, the pirates found plenty of booty to share, and a message, just for captain Trenton. The message told him that his treasure be waitin’ inside the hall of the castle in a black chest plain to see. Back in the “castle” the captain and his crew found the large chest filled with presents for the captain to open. And all were happy, for a while…
20090906_0450 …But those pirates are a scurvy bunch and soon had taken to the high seas again, in two different boats and quickly got into a waterballoon cannonball battle (and not a single photo of the battle came out, Arrgh!) When they ran out of cannonballs, they drew the swords that they had earned upon completing their adventure, and continued their ferocious battle…
…until their parents came and took them and their treasure chests full of booty, back to their own lands.
The End
(Adding this post to Kimba’s DIY Thursday, because she is giving away a really cute apron, I’d love to win).

P.S. For behind the scenes detail about how I put this party together, see this post and this post.
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  1. that party is super cute! I bet Trenton and all the kids had a blast!

  2. Oh my goodness! This is great. I bet all had fun.

  3. Room to Inspire says

    Very cute! I love the theme, love the party, I am sure everyone had a great time!


  4. amy - directionally challenged says

    Wow! What a great party! You did an amazing job! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Shelley@divinepartyconcepts says

    Love it and the deviled egg is great!

  6. M'am, you never cease to amaze me! GREAT party.

  7. Susan Crabtree says

    What a fun party-you did a great job!

  8. Donna @ Party Wishes says

    Just adorable! Love all of the different stations your created.

  9. Fabulous! Great job!

  10. Wow that is amazing. You are now officially my party planning idol. I am currently working on a reptile themed party but it in no way competes!

  11. You are fabulous parents! What a memorable birthday party for the birthday boy and his friends. 🙂

  12. That is so CUTE! I especially loved the cakes. What a creative idea!

  13. What an absolutely awesome par-tay!
    Love it!

  14. Way too cute!!!

  15. Rachel@oneprettything.com says

    Whoa…this is amazing! I love all the little details. The door is fantastic, what a fun party entrance. I just love everything your thought of! I'll be linking to this if you don't mind.

  16. The DeMarcus Family says

    love it, and I bet your son did too! I am planning a pirate party for my 3 year old and saw that cake on familyfun blog.. question: did the cake fall apart on you?, did you use straws?.. storebought icing or did you make it homemade? What cake mix did you use, or did you make from scratch too.. !! Details!! Thanks 🙂

  17. how absolutely wonderful! I love everything and can't wait to see your DIY's.

  18. WOW! Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing all those cool ideas!

  19. Heather - CROQZine.com - Dollarstorecrafts.com says

    That looks so fun! I love pirate stuff. I especially love your Boiled Cracken food – so cute & funny!

    I had a pirate party for my first son's first bday – costume required for all the guests (adult family members)… it was fun. Here are pics, randomly… http://croqzine.com/blog/?p=1013

  20. Awesome party! I LOVE planning kids parties! We just had my sons party yesterday!

  21. fabulousfinishes says

    omg those hot dog's are a hoot! KILLER pirate party, you rocked it

  22. fabulousfinishes says

    omg those hot dog's are a hoot! KILLER pirate party, you rocked it

  23. Hi. I saw your party on the creative hostess, how lovely! Just wanted to let you know I am running a contest where you can win $100 gift card to Anthroplogie- I think your party would be a great addition- http://thecitycradle.com/throw-an-imperfect-party-win


  24. You are my HERO! We just moved into a new house and it's disaster time, but it's also birthday time!! My little guy is begging for a pirate party and I know this would be the end all of parties for him. I'm stealing a bunch of your ideas and thank you a million for all the background info. You are a genius!!

  25. Your pirate party has been featured on *BEST OF THE WEB PIRATE PARTIES AND CAKES*

    Go to the end of the post to grab a button for your page.

  26. Hi Crazy Kendra!

    I found your blog searching for photos of kids in pirate garb.

    I’m putting together a video slide show for a new kid-friendly song called “Talk Like a Pirate Day” and I’m looking for images I can use.

    I’d love to use a photo or two from your awesome pirate party!

    I will post the video on YouTube, and anyone who contributes a photo will get a free copy of the song.

    I won’t use your photos without permission, so please write back to let me know if I may.

    Thank you!!

  27. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Your pirate party. There were quite a few ideas from your party that I used in mine. I gave credit on my blog here (and a few other pages): http://notyournormalsteam.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/arg-matey-its-a-pirate-party-part-2-decorations/


  1. […] kendra 14 Comments My son has had some pretty cool birthday parties in the past. While the robot, pirate and rocket parties were huge successes, I wanted this year to be a little different. Partly because […]

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