Every summer our church hosts a camp for young women (ages 12-18), where we get them away from boys and cell phones (at least we try), and daily showers, and help them to learn about themselves and strengthen relationships with each other and with God. I haven’t been to girls camp for several years. The […]
Dip-Dyed Ombre Easter Recap
I wanted to give you a quick peek at this year’s Easter celebration. If you are interested in more of the details of the ombre/dip-dyed napkins, outfits, eggs, etc., from these pictures, (remind me and) look for a post next Spring when people are in Easter planning mode again. For now, I will just say […]
Book of Mormon Baptism Dinner
After making my son’s special baptism invitation, I wanted to carry the theme through to our dinner celebration after the baptism. At first I wanted to do a Book of Mormon mystery menu, like my sister had done before. BSB vetoed it on the grounds that it would be a lot of work to serve, […]
This weekend
I know to a lot of the world, this weekend is just the first weekend of October. But to us it is kind of a holiday weekend of a special kind. There may be special meals involved or treats for the kids, but it is really a time for focus on spiritual things, a time […]
3D Book Bulletin Board
I am in the local leadership of the program for the children in our church, called the primary. I came up with this fun bulletin board for our Primary Room to display the theme for the year, “I know the scriptures are true.” I thought I would share for others of you that may work […]
The Log Book–(or paper bag album) A Girls Camp Craft
Have you ever written an entire post to lose the whole thing just before hitting the publish button? Yea…that’s me tonight (I was using LiveWriter instead of Blogger). Kind of takes the wind out of my sails, but I will try and be as witty and informative as I was the first time. (No promises, […]
Life Preserver Picture Frame (Camp Craft #2)
View Full Album In thinking about the kinds of crafts I wanted to do for camp, I really wanted to come up with crafts that would serve a function, other than just looking cute. Remember our theme was “GO NAVY” (Gospel Oriented Noble and Valiant Youth), nautical/military. When I first conceived the idea of a […]
Patriotic Thank you Gifts (Girls Camp)
If you have been reading my blog, you might mistakenly think that I don’t celebrate the 4th of July. That isn’t the case at all. It just crept up right after Girls’ Camp and in the middle of helping my SIL to get ready to move into her new house (a mile away from me, […]
Like A Lighthouse Girls Camp Craft
First I’d like to thank everyone that answered my call on this post for ideas. I really did use your comments to help determine the final design of this project. Our theme was navy/nautical this year, so the lighthouse was a recurring symbol through out camp. My goal was to make crafts with a function, […]
Family Motto 2009: JOY
This is normally the kind of thing I might reserve for my personal blog, but because it is a great idea, and because Tip Junkie told me to, I’m sharing my word of the year with you. I think Ali Edwards may have been the first one to come up with the concept of […]
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