This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

2014 in Review

2014 has been quite a year for me personally! Most of my year has revolved around this little man. The first half of the year dealing with pregnancy and the second half taking care of a newborn. This child, while delightful, has not been the easiest child, so the quantity of posts on my blog […]

Top 12 of 2012

It’s time to countdown your favorite posts on My Insanity from 2012. Here are the top 12 posts based on page views in reverse order (so we can countdown, you know). Did your favorite make the cut? I’m also realizing that I have three major parties I didn’t get a chance to blog about this […]

Top Insanity of 2011

It’s that exciting time of year again! The time where I reflect over the past year of blog posts and realize that I have accomplished a few things during besides driving my children to and from their various obligations and surfing Pinterest! And then I remember why I am so tired all of the time. […]

My Top 10 of 2010

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year!  We did and are still partying with the in-laws, so I haven’t been able to do much blogging or blog business.  I did want to get my annual year in review post up in time to participate in Rhoda’s party.   […]

Top Ten of 2010

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year!  We did and are still partying with the in-laws, so I haven’t been able to do much blogging or blog business.  I did want to get my annual year in review post up in time to participate in Rhoda’s party. […]

The Best of ’09

It’s time for my annual “Best of….” post. (See the best of 2008, here.) I very unscientifically look at the number of enthusiastic comments, to pick your favorite posts (excluding giveaways, etc.). And here they are: #1–The favorite post of 2009: She’s About to Pop #2–The Loveseat–From Plaid to Rad #3–Miracle Worker Mudroom #4–A Pirate’s […]

Top 8 of 2008–Most Insane Moments

Based on your comments, here are your top 8 moments of insanity for 2008! Honorable Mentions (Other posts with lots of comments…or posts that I think should have had lots of comments. :-)): Batiful Invitations Holiday Butter Cookies The Great Pumpkin Cake Homemade Gift Ideas for kids Trenton’s Truck Birthday Nancy Drew Birthday Insanity Did […]