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This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Book Club Birthday–Prologue

I am so excited to give you a peak at the book “bash” we had this weekend, in honor of my daughter’s 11th birthday! My daughter is a voracious reader and hasn’t met many books she doesn’t like. It seemed like the perfect theme for my daughter and her bookworm friends. As you may have surmised from the collage above, there were lots of DIY projects to share and many pictures taken. In the interest of my preparations for SNAP! conference, and your attention spans, I’m going to break it down into smaller, more manageable posts—“Chapters” if you will.

So today I’m leaving you with a peek at the concept and over all feel of the party, but rest assured, in good time, I will answer all of your burning questions.

Such as, “Why on Earth is your daughter wearing strange jewels all over her face?” Patience, my friend. I don’t want to spoil the ending…


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Invitations

Chapter 2: The Decorations

Chapter 3: Fun & Games

Chapter 4: Book Cake and Food

Chapter 5: Bookworm Printable Favors, and the Treasure Hunt


Linking this party up to Bird’s Party Monthly LInky

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  1. Love, love, love this. Cannot wait to see more!

  2. Its an awesome idea, my daughter is only 9 and I was already running out ideas for b-days party. Good I have you as my salvation now =)

    • I’m not sure I’ve ever been called someone’s salvation before…but I like it! 🙂 There are lots of girly parties happening around here. Let me know if you need me to toss out any more ideas!

  3. I’m loving your site! I’m excited to hear about the jewels on your cute daughter’s face! And I’m excited to follow your blog now, everything is so darling. Hope you made it home safely!

    • Megan, it was so lovely to meet you at SNAP! Your display and arrangements were so lovely, and I kind of wish I could hire your soda cart to set up shop at my house! Thanks for swinging by my site!

  4. Hello Darling Kendra, just wanted to say how great it was to meet you in person at SNAP. {Wish I would have gotten a photo with you!} You are so lovely inside & out. Thank you for being a “hostess with the mostess” & for making us feel so welcome. SNAP was such a success – I really appreciate the hard work it took to make it fabulous!

    Warmly, Michelle

    • Michelle, you are a doll! Thanks so much for introducing yourself to me at SNAP! and for all of your support and kind words! I’m so glad you had a great time at SNAP! Take care!

  5. What a fantastic idea for a young girl’s (or young boy’s) birthday party! I just love that your daughter is a voracious reader! My husband and I always buy books for our nieces and nephews: so refreshing in this day and age of electronic gadgets and toys! 🙂

  6. I LOVE the book theme and the decor is so pretty and original!! LOVE the amazing cake and sparkly purple details too! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to Bird’s Party Linky!
    You are one of our featured favorites! 🙂


  7. I think you are amazing! My son, who is an avid reader, wants his Bar Mitzvah party to have a reading theme. His father and I are really all about the religious component, but are trying to get on board with his idea without going overboard or spending a fortune! Your ideas are just what we needed!!! Thank you so much!

    • Yea!! I’m so glad I could help. I’ve seen some pretty extravagant Bar Mitzvah parties on-line. I think a book theme is a great idea to make it fun, but not too distracting from the meaning of the occasion. I’d love to see pictures after the event!

  8. Hi Kendra 🙂

    I love your book party ideas, so creative. I’m turning 21 in a few months and I want it to be a book themed party. i want to make it whimsical and fun for everyone. Have you got any idea’s on how to do this please? Any advice or idea is much appreciated.


    • Have you read through all of my posts in this series? I think our guests had a great time dressing up as a book character and having to guess everyone’s character. I think that would be great for any age–especially if you and your friends like to read the same kinds of books. Are you more into fantasy or romance or classics or what?


  1. […] the remainder of the details surrounding my daughter’s literary 11th birthday. Consult the Table of Contents for specific […]

  2. […] to the Table of Contents, to get the whole […]

  3. […] to make me feel loved. I thought you all might especially appreciate this poem by my 11 year old (the bookworm). She does have a way with […]

  4. […] were a few extra special goodies and favors at the book party. What book worm wouldn’t want their own little bag of bookworms to munch on, while indulging […]

  5. […] Book Club Birthday–Prologue […]

  6. […] biggest inspiration came from the blog “Me and My Insanity” – she threw a book club birthday party for her daughter’s 11th birthday- she made a […]

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