Wonderful Watercolor Valentines

I sat down today to figure out my plan for this years’ school Valentines, and realized I had never shared my printable watercolor valentines from last year! These were really fun to put together for me and for my artistic daughter. Step 1: Print out my free printable Valentines (see below) and cut them apart. […]

Sharp Pencils for the Music Classroom

It’s been a bit quiet around these parts, and by these parts, I mean this blog, because there is really nothing quiet about my life these days. I have recently taken a position as the choir teacher at a local school. While I am excited to share my love of music with my students, this is […]

Inside Out Emotions Party

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #InsideOutEmotions #CollectiveBias Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear are not just emotions that we feel, but are also the main characters of the new Disney Pixar film Inside Out…who happen to be emotions. My family has been so […]

Cute and Clever Valentines from 2015

If you follow me on Instagram, this post may look rather familiar. While the blog was kind of quiet, I was overgramming over on instagram. These are the valentines I sent with my elementary school students for their friends for Valentine’s Day. The joke valentine is a printable from the always-clever Erika over at Yellow […]

Sharp Sharpie Teacher Gift

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sharpie, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia  #StaplesBTS http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV” My kids like to give their teachers the coolest products they can think of on the first day of school. I like to think of it less as […]

One Smart Cookie — First Day of School Treat!

This post originally appeared on one of my favorite sites, Paging Supermom, last year when school started. My kids were so excited by this surprise! School starts this week for us. Not sure they will get such a cool surprise this year. My kids have already gone back to school for the year. It came […]

Firecracker Popcorn

We are expecting some excitement this Independence Day as our newest lil’ firecracker is getting ready to make his debut, so we don’t need much more excitement this year. However, you may be looking for a few fun ways to add some “spark” to your 4th of July celebrations. Last year I shared this recipe on […]

Fancy Girlie Easter Basket

Recently I was challenged to fashion an Easter basket for a girl using items found at my local Fry’s (Kroger) grocery store. Since Fry’s is one of the stores I frequent I thought it would be fun to see what I could find there and with my daughters in mind. I was immediately drawn to […]

Testing Week Lunch Box Notes

My kids have standardized testing this week at their school. My 4th grader’s teacher asked us to send in some words of encouragement for her to hand out from us through out the four days of testing. She thought this might be a nice way to help reduce their anxiety and help them feel confident […]

Patriotic Picnic with Fresh & Easy

Have you finalized your 4th of July plans, yet? How about taking a picnic to the park to watch your community fireworks display? I’m not quite sure why my community decided to have our 4th of July celebration a couple of weeks early, but they did, and this is what we did to enjoy the […]