This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Sharp Pencils for the Music Classroom

It’s been a bit quiet around these parts, and by these parts, I mean this blog, because there is really nothing quiet about my life these days. I have recently taken a position as the choir teacher at a local school. While I am excited to share my love of music with my students, this is […]

3D Book Bulletin Board

I am in the local leadership of the program for the children in our church, called the primary.  I came up with this fun bulletin board for our Primary Room to display the theme for the year, “I know the scriptures are true.”  I thought I would share for others of you that may work […]