Quick and Easy Father’s Day Ideas

Are you feeling a little pressed for time before Father’s Day this week? These ideas are quick to put together and work well if you are trying to get the kids to help the kids come up with a gift for their dad.

#1) Framed Father’s Day Quote {Somewhat Simple} – It doesn’t get any easier than this! Print directly from the computer or use some vinyl to stick on the glass with scrapbook paper behind it. Simple and sweet.

#2) Money Shirt For Your Guy {HowDoesShe?} – A new way to give him some “man cash” to show how much you love him try the latest from Paper Chaser To: An Origami Man Shirt

#3) Homemade M&M Dispenser {The Dating Divas} – If the father of the house LOVES M&M’s – then you should definitely check out this hilarious and fun idea to surprise him on Father’s Day!

#4) A Basket of Love For Dad or Grandpa {Somewhat Simple} – Get the kids involved by asking them what they love most about their dad or grandpa. Type up and print their responses and attach them to small items that illustrate their answers. With this gift, it isn’t so much about the items you buy, but more about the meaning of those items that will make him feel special- perfect for the guy who already has everything!!!

#5) Father’s Day Card Tutorial {The Dating Divas} – Print off this printable listing all the synonyms that go along with being a father! Grab some colorful paper and your Father’s Day card is complete!

#6) Father’s Day Printables {WhipperBerry} – A cute little tag to add to Dad’s favorite bottle of Pop. It says “Pop you put the Fizz into my Life!”

#7) Surprise Love Notes {HowDoesShe?} – Surprise him throughout the day with these adorable love notes on his favorite foods and places.

#8) Father’s Day Print {Sweet Rose Studio} – This simple gift is perfect and easy for a last minute present for the special dad in your life! Print it out, frame it, and it’s ready to go!

#9) Father’s Day Word Art {The Crafting Chicks} – A meaningful quote turned into a beautiful free printable to frame for Dad.

#10) The Sock Bouquet {HowDoesShe?} – A beautiful new way to give your love his favorite socks!

#11) Free Father’s Day Questionaire Printable {The Crafting Chicks} – Kids say the funniest things! Quiz your kids to see what they think about their dads and grandpas, it’ll be the hit of the day!

#12) World’s Best POP! {The Dating Divas} – All you need is a can of your man’s favorite soda, this darling printable, and a strip of fabric. Adorable way to let him know he’s loved.

#13) More Father’s Day Printables {Sweet Rose Studio} – Celebrate Dad on his special day with these great cupcake toppers and a sweet banner!

If you found something amazing, don’t be shy about sharing the love! PIN it, comment, FB, etc.! Your friends will thank you! I bet they are searching for quick and easy ideas, too! One more day of Father’s Day inspiration, tomorrow! Don’t miss it!

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