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Ingenious, Edible Insanity–The Keg Cake

This fun rustic looking keg, could be fun to use at lots of parties, right? But wait…

It is CAKE! Almost the entire thing is edible, and what’s crazier…it actually works as a keg!
This masterpiece was created by my good friend, Kim’s mother, Terri. Here is what Kim wrote about this cake:

Mom just made this cake for the neighbors retirement…there’s a bag inside full of Wild Turkey (his fav whiskey) and the spigot works! The rest is completely edible including the wood, metal, flowers and slate ~ all made by her ~ See, there are people who share your insanity!!! She’s been spinning this in her mind for months and slowly setting up for the big day for weeks!!!

I think she surpasses my level of insanity. I’d love to give you the tutorial or the blow by blow, but honestly, I have no idea how she did it! If any of you are crazy enough to want to attempt it, I’ll see if I can beg some instructions from her. I’m tempted to beg her to come and recreate it–filled with root beer, of course, for my son’s pirate party. But would that be sending the wrong message to a bunch of 5 year old boys? Hmmm….

Thanks, Terri, for letting me share your insanity! What a fantastic cake!

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  1. Susan Crabtree says

    OMG-this is my hubby's dream cake!

  2. This is ridiculous!!! All that's missing is my husband's head attached to the spout! LOL!

  3. That is so cool!I love it. haha.

  4. Mama Penguin says

    my hubby would die if i somehow could make this cake for him! this is his dream cake!!

  5. That is crazy!

  6. Amy @ Living Locurto says

    I can't believe those flowers aren't real! Crazy!! LOL!

  7. Chris @ Celebrations At Home says

    That's the most amazing cake ever!! Crazy!

  8. Patreesha says

    This is AMAZING! Is there anyway I can find out how she did this…. PLEASE! 🙂


  1. […] Kim, sent me a picture of this amazing, functioning keg cake that her mom had made, I knew I had to share it on the blog, even though I’m not even a drinker. I was in the middle of pirate party planning at that […]

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