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This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Cupcake Liner Nametags

 I had a request for the details on the cupcake line name tags from our recent girls night out.
Autie from icandy pinning on her cupcake liner nametag (Photo: Sierra Studios Photography)
We like over-sized frilly nametags (see the great ones Kristyn did at our first AZGNO). What could be more appropriate than using cupcake liners to add some girly goodness to our party-themed event?
I began by designing the nametags in my graphics program (Fonts: Pharmacy & Wendy). I had them printed and pressed into standard 2 1/4″ button pins. I was actually pretty excited with them at this stage in the game, but I knew they needed to be even more special.
Joanna showing off her prize and her nametag.
I bought mini, standard, foil, and jumbo-sized cupcake liners, all readily available at the grocery store. (If you are looking for more vivid prints, there are some fantastic patterns available in online baking good stores like Sweet, and Bake it Pretty).
I flattened out the mini liners, folded them in half and used a punch to make a space for the pin part to poke through the liner. I hot-glued the liner to the backside of the pin and it made a close border around the pin. I followed the same procedure for the next layer: the regular-sized, pastel cupcake liners. I used a couple of liners for this layer so that the color would be a little more pronounced. Then it came time for the foil layer. In order for it to show behind the other similarly-sized liners, I used three liners. I folded each of them in half and glued them to the back of the pin (over-lapping a bit) in a triangle shape around the still-accessible pin. I then added the jumbo cupcake liners as a nice backing for the entire thing. It was a little bigger than I wanted, so I scrunched the liner in tight around the pin as I applied the glue.
I hope that makes sense. Would it be helpful to see video tutorial?
Have you used cupcake liners for something other than cupcakes? I’d love to see what you’ve come up with.


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  1. Hi Kenda,

    I found the top image on Pinterest but alas the link was a dead end rabbit hole. However I sleuthed a bit and persevered in finding the rightful owner. 🙂
    I host a linky called Friday’s Favorite Pins. I would like to use your image along with a link to your blog.
    May I have permission to do so?


  1. […] My Insanity made these awesome cupcake liner name tags that are so much fun to make but even more fun to wear! Use these to point out the bride, the grandma, the maid of honor and more! […]

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