WIN the ULTIMATE “Valentine’s Day Basket” + Blog Hop

fondue set giveaway

Don’t you love LOVE? 

You know I love to plan romantic dates with my man! Sometimes a little creativity can go a long way to make up for a lack of funds. But what if you are low on both this year? I’ve got your back this Valentine’s Day! I am excited to be teaming up with the queens of romantic dates–The Dating Divas–and a total of 28 clever and creative bloggers to solve all of your Valentine’s Day dilemmas.

We are celebrating February, 14th 2014 with an incredible giveaway that you won’t want to miss! Actually, 28 giveaways!

TWENTY-EIGHT of your FAVORITE bloggers have put together amazing Valentine’s Day baskets filled with everything you will need for a fun, romantic night! That’s right, no more stressing over what to do or scrambling at the last minute to pull together a memorable evening.

Valentine’s Day is planned for the lucky recipients of these twenty-eight gorgeous baskets!

Each blogger (myself included) is giving away a unique themed date night basket valued at over $100 each!

Here’s a peak at all 28 giveaway baskets:

New Collage

Are you ready for a chance to enter 28 AMAZING Giveaways?

Welcome to The ULTIMATE Valentine’s Day Basket + Blog Hop!!

Here’s What You Do:

#1) Scroll down further in this post to get a more DETAILED description of what I’m giving away.

#2) Enter MY giveaway at the very bottom of the post.

#3) Start “blog-hopping!” Click on each of the links below & enter ALL of their giveaways! Definitely take time to check out each of these sites. We have quite the variety of talented ladies participating in these giveaways! You are going to want  to win them all!!


Click on each link to view each site, and enter to win their “Valentine’s Date Night” basket. If you receive an error message, click to the blog’s home page. So much inspiration, right?!?

1. The Dating Divas 2. Bombshell Bling 3. Thirty Handmade Days 4. All Things Thrifty 5. Nobiggie 6. A Little Tipsy 7. The Crafting Chicks 8. Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke 9. Skip To My Lou 10. Snap 11. Fun Cheap Or Free 12. Positively Spendid 13. My Sister’s Suitcase 14. The 36th Avenue 15. Smitten By 16. The Idea Room 17. 4 Men 1 Lady 18. Girl Loves Glam 19. The Diva Dish 20. Entirely Eventful Day 21. Tatertots & Jello 22. Just A Girl 23. Dollar Store Crafts 24. The SITS Girls 25. Lolly Jane 26. Design Dazzle 27. My Insanity 28. Not Just A Housewife


What could be more romantic than a fondue dinner for two? It is such an intimate way to eat and great way to spend time together! Though a night out on the town can sometimes be cost prohibitive. I’m hooking you up with nearly everything you need to create that romantic experience in the privacy of your own home.

Fondue Date Giveaway

#1- Custom designed card- “You Melt Me” – Give your man a taste of what is to come with a romantic card that alludes to the chocolate that is to come! (Printable available to my Facebook followers ) 

#2- Trudeau Multi Fondue Set- This is a 3-in-one set that will allow you to do cheese fondue, meat fondue, and/or chocolate fondue, so you can create a full 3-course fondue meal for recipes see this post from the Dating Divas. Also included is the Swiss Fire Gel to fuel your pot and fondue forks.

#3- A set of four white and gold appetizer plates and four gold-dipped champagne glasses. Four just in case you ever want to do a double date. The champagne glasses are gold-dipped (sprayed) DIY-style by yours truly.

#4- A set of gold-edged name cards to label any of your dipping options or place-settings.

#5- A bag of Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Melting Wafers to get you started

#6-And a $25 Visa Gift card to purchase the other food for your fondue feast.

You know you want it! Enter below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends on Jan. 24. US residents only. (sorry.)

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  1. courtney b says

    movies, flowers and a romantic dinner!:) perfect!

  2. I’ve never done anything very creative, but two years ago we had blueberry waffles! 🙂

  3. We don’t get out much, so any date ANYWHERE seems creative to us!

  4. my husband {then boyfriend}, took me on a surprise road trip…it was so sweet and romantic.

  5. Margie Young says

    One year I knitted a 6 inch red square and stitched it together to make an envelope, then I took a small piece of scrap booking paper and wrote a sweet poem and ended it with you have the key to my heart, and attached an old timey looking key, which then went inside the envelope. I then made his favorite cookies and put them in a red heart shaped plastic box with the enveloped attached like a card.

  6. can’t remember, I am sure we did something romantic on valentine’s day before we had kids 🙂

  7. Love Fondue parties! Perfect for Valentine’s Day! 🙂

  8. I honestly don’t remember! Any year that I get a romantic card WITH writing in it is huge! I think those are my favorites!

  9. I made dinner and heart shaped brownies one year.

  10. Anytime we spend together!!

  11. The most creative is always when it’s a SURPRISE!

  12. I did a scavenger hunt!

  13. romantic dinner, time alone together without the kids

  14. We don’t do much for Valentine’s Day so a fondue party would be fun!

  15. We went out to an elegant dinner and then a musical. It was so fun and exciting – our first Vday together!

  16. Nothing creative, but I love when we can get away for a night and reminisce about how we fell in love.

  17. I feel like since I found the Dating Diva’s website I’ve been a lot more creative!!! 🙂 My hubs especially loved our “sexy stocking” idea from them last year!

  18. My church has a Valentine’s Day banquet and it always is a lot of fun. Last year my husband and I won the longest kiss game!

  19. my husband loves anything that’s a surprise!

  20. Pamela Holland says

    My hubby proposed on Valentine’s day 25 years ago. This will be a very special Valentines for us!

  21. Lindsey Woolard says

    we are so not creative for holidays. :-/ need help…haha. The kids would love how special this could make any special day.

  22. Emilie Proctor says

    We don’t do romantic for Valentine’s day. We use Valentine’s day for the kids, it’s a fun kids holiday filled with crafting, baking, and fun!

  23. I am yet to find my most creative v-day!

  24. For Valentine’s Day last year, we stayed at a resort where we had dinner and a very romantic night together.

  25. He surprised me by making a very nice dinner with candles and everything.

  26. Our first real date when we started dating was for Valentine’s Day! I remember he got all dressed up in his roommates clothes and shoes b/c his weren’t fancy enough…so cute!

  27. I loved the year that my daughter’s set a romantic tablescape and served us dinner for Valentines Day.

  28. Sorry, can’t help with this…we’re old fuddy duddies!

  29. what a great idea

  30. Great prizes!

  31. My very favorite Valentine’s Day was the day before we got married. We were just so excited and filled with anticipation!

  32. Decorations & dinner

  33. Hubby wins last years valentines- he left a trail of roses all over the house and in the car with sweet messages along the way 🙂

  34. I guess it would have to be when we went to dinner and then got engaged!

  35. Our most romantic Valentine’s Day was right after we met. We got take out Chinese food and wine and spent a quiet romantic evening listening to music and talking.

  36. The most romantic was actually a couple of days before Valentine’s Day when my hubby surprised me with a proposal. Still so in love with my forever Valentine.

  37. This sounds great and a lot cheaper and more romantic than going out for fondue!

  38. Lisa Brown says

    i have not had a romantic valentines, i tend not to celebrate

  39. i’m not really that creative when it comes to valentines day. we usually do dinner and a movie together

  40. Melissa Leach says

    My husband works third shift so it’s difficult to do much with his schedule. Would love an at home fondue party on our schedule 🙂 Thank you.

  41. My favorite Valentine’s Day was when my husband (who NEVER sets foot in the kitchen) had a homemade meal of seared, sesame-crusted ahi tuna, brown rice, and veggies (hey, for someone who struggles to make cereal, that’s big!) ready for me when I came home, complete with flowers, chocolate, and wine!

  42. One year I arranged a hotel and dinner at Reunion Tower in Dallas. It’s a rotating restaurant in a glassed dome, complete with all glass elevator. I found out then that my boyfriend gets sick with heights, and I have motion sickness. So we spent the first 30 minutes feeling sick and looking green. haha But eventually we had a wonderful meal and a fantastic night. 🙂

  43. Dinner at a top floor restaurant overlooking the bay and trying new foods.

  44. We both love fondue, and I’ve always wanted to try it at home. This looks like so much fun!

    Neither of us has been very creative with V-day, but I’m hoping to change that, with all the fun blogs I’m following now. 🙂 The best one I can think of is last year, when I bought a bunch of balloons and tied little notes with things I love about him to the end of each ribbon. It’s fun to put together special gifts and activities for a loved one.

  45. Tiffin Clark says

    We usually include the kids and make it a fun Valentine’s Night for the family. We have a candlelight dinner and send the kids on a little treasure hunt. Giant heart shaped sugar cookies and fun games are always a part of our night. Not exactly romantic for the two of us, but we like including the kids. Makes for a fun family memory!

  46. Surprise vacation

  47. Date night in with dinner, candles and dancing!

  48. cute basket!!

  49. We have been together for almost 5 years and have never really celebrated V Day before. He’s in the restaurant industry and has had to work the last 4 years. The first year we weren’t in the same country at the time. :/

    Here’s to a future awesome date!

  50. Mellissa Wood says

    My most romantic Valentine’s date will hopefully be this year (my first year married) and include fondue. I appreciate a nice bouquet of flowers and an adventure snowshoeing.

  51. Our valentine’s day tradition is to make a fort in the living room, get a pizza, watch a good movie and fill our scrapbook with the pictures of us we took in the past year.

  52. My husband’s birthday is the day before Valentine’s, and my sister’s is that day, so we don’t do dates.

  53. I made steak and lobster tails one year because we were sick and couldn’t go out to eat.

  54. A walk on the beach at dusk and dinner at home

  55. I started dating my hubby on v-day. We were long distance, but he sent me a huge stack of valentine’s day cards in the mail as a surprise. They said “I love you” and the rest is history. 😉

  56. Marilyn Tucker says

    I cook my honey a special dinner. That’s about all we do. But with a fondue pot that will change! Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. Jennifer L says

    My husband lined up the sitter and took me to dinner to my favorite steak house in downtown! Love it when I don’t have to make any plans for a date!!

  58. I’m embarrassed to admit, I can’t think of a thing, so I guess they weren’t so creative or romantic. I need some inspiration!

  59. We spent one Valentine’s Day in New Orleans – that was a really special trip.

  60. When my husband surprised me with a couple’s massage. The best!!

  61. Brittney Musgrove says

    Following flower petals into the bed room to a feast of food and naked love! 🙂

  62. What a fun giveaway! Thanks!

  63. I made pizza in the shape of heart for my hubby when we were dating.

  64. A scavenger hunt with clues at all our favorite places.

  65. romantic candlelight dinner with nice music playing

  66. a friend of mine has an annual anti-valentine party where everyone brings a “stinky” or “bitter” dish to share.

  67. My husband once planned dinner, a limo, a basket, and a hotel as a surprise. It was awesome!

  68. Our first V-day together, I sent my hubby on a scavenger hunt and at the end we had a romantic dinner!

  69. we don’t usually do much for V day. We’re hoping to change that this year, but with very little money, it probably will be the same as all the others.

  70. breakfast in bed

  71. A nice dinner, spa day, and a weekend stay in a hotel!

  72. brook nichols says

    I booked a cruise for my husband and I and Valentine’s just so happened to fall right during our week at sea! It was pretty great =)

  73. I’m not sure I have one. We try to celebrate Valentine’s Day year round. It has worked for us for 32 years.

  74. My first daughter was born just before Valentine’s day. I guess I’d count that. =)

  75. we don’t usually do anything for Vday

  76. The best date was when we went to Qdoba for Valentine’s Dinner! HA! One kiss and one free meal! That is the way to do it

  77. A weekend away!

  78. last year on our first valentines day i was really sick. My now husband came over with a teddy bear and my favorite candy bar.He stayed all night and took care of me!

  79. Darcy Martin says

    Most romantic night out was a candlelit dinner at Carabas 🙂 it was fun, just being the 2 of us!

  80. Proposed on valentine’s day!

  81. I’ve never been a huge fan of receiving roses. What’s the point? They cost a lot and then just die right? Well last Valentines day my sweet husband gave me one single pure white rose. It held so much meaning to me and meant more than what a dozen red roses could ever mean.

  82. The most romantic thing we did was attend Family Life’s Weekend to Remember last year around Valentine’s Day. It brought us so much closer together!

  83. Morgan Western says

    In college I turned our apartment balcony into a romantic picnic space. With blankets, hot cocoa, And of course heart shaped pizza

  84. No one had ever done anything romantic for me on Valentine’s! My husband and I don’t really care for the whole things so we don’t celebrate too much. But I think this year, I’d like to take him by surprise. he hates surprises so this should be fun!

  85. Our annual picnic in the front room. PS, of all the baskets, I’m most excited about this one. 🙂

  86. We’ve never done anything outrageously creative or romantic, but I love getting his cards that tell me how much he loves me. So much fun to read! And I love cooking together.

  87. I’m sad to say I don’t have a V-day date to write about…but if I win, maybe I will!

  88. Vanessa Fisher says

    My husband always makes me a nice dinner or grills something for us!!

  89. Confession, hubby and I usually don’t fuss over VDay, but I’m willing to start with some help from your chocolate if I win!

  90. I haven’t really had any.

  91. My most creative isn’t really all that creative, it’s usually just surf and turf dinner and massages.

  92. Last year my husband and I did something special together every night from Jan 30 (our dating ann) thru Valentine’s Day. That was very special to me. None of the dates were expensive or extravagant, but it was nice to make it so special.

  93. I love love! And I love this giveaway! Our most romantic was probably also kind of cheesy- when we were dating, my husband surprised me with a dinner at home (he still lived with his parents) and they were the waiters, there were real menus and everything LOL!


  94. We had to stay at home due to my back injury, but he made me supper and we watched a movie. It seems like it isnt that much but it meant the world to me. Oh yeah we snuggled as best we could!!!!

  95. We’re pretty low key when it comes to Valentine’s Day (last year we did burgers and beer), but I got creative in baking some cute sugar cookies with pink royal icing and tiny heart sprinkles.

  96. Loretta Patzner says

    leaving little notes, cards, garlands around the house from feb. 1-14 for Dh to find when he gets home from work. I plan on doing it again this year!!

  97. A date in Portland where my husband took me to Jakes, then we explored the city

  98. Our first Valentines date still sticks out as a favorite. My now husband made plans with my roommate to get into our house early on Valentine’s morning, and I woke up to a breakfast of pink, heart shaped pancakes with all the toppings, roses and a handmade card which I still have. Now we still do pink, heart-shaped pancakes with our kiddos. Fun times!

  99. Such a fun idea!

  100. When we were both sick and had to take care of each other on Valentines Day

  101. Sarah Schmid says

    going out to dinner and surprising the hubby with a heart shaped cake that I made!

  102. Every year for valentine’s day my husband and I have french dip sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries. It’s not the most creative, but I love our tradition.

  103. I can’t take credit for it, but my husband surprised me by coming home early from work with my favorite candy, a bunch of heart shaped candles that he set up and “The Notebook”. It was early on in our marriage and we had just had our first son, best Valentine’s surprise ever!

  104. Last year I took a deck of cards, hole punched them and used binding rings to put them together into a book. I attached a tag that said “52 Reasons Why I Love You”. Then on each card I attached a label that included a characteristic that I loved about my sweet husband . I had so much fun making it and my husband still claims that it is by far one of his favorite gifts ever.

  105. My favorite thing to do is make my hubby dinner…and well, Valentine’s Day usually requires less clothing than other days! 😉

  106. A romantic night in

  107. would love to make this valentines day memorable. in the past they have just been going out to eat

  108. Nicole Gagnon says

    Surprise date night! He rented a hotel room on the beach and we got to watch the sunrise 🙂

  109. Love this basket!! How fantastic!

  110. once I made a scratch ticket for my guy and whatever activity he scratched off is what we did! it was fun 🙂

  111. We sat at a restaurant overlooking Denver near Lookout Mountain. It was romantic, beautiful and one of a kind night.

  112. Oh. My. Word. LOVE IT!!!

  113. I made my husband a box with 365 pieces of paper that listed different things that I loved about him.

  114. What a great gift basket- I’m totally copying this idea whether I win or not!

  115. A date over chocolate fondue

  116. April Clark says

    I’ve never had a creative Valentine’s date! An ex-boyfriend once did “28 Days of Valentine’s” for me…does that count? 😉

  117. Last year my fiance wrote me a letter 3 days before our wedding because we still lived states away at that point. but it meant to much.

  118. I had my extended family over for a meal and did it all up with lots of Valentine flair! It was so much fun!

  119. When my husband and i were dating, every day until Valentines day I would do something special for him. One day I had hearts hanging all over his ceiling when he got home, another day I had bought him and I mittens to go on a walk through town at night… just a whole lot of little things until Valentines day.

  120. I would have to say a romantic movie and a great dinner, maybe sushi 🙂

  121. Julie Amend says

    Love this idea!!

  122. I honestly don’t remember a creative date:( that’s sad I’m almost 23 and my boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years but haven’t done anything really creative. I guess that’s what happens when you have a four year old. 🙁

  123. S.K. McDonald says

    My favorite Valentine’s Day was the first one I spent with my husband as we had just stated dating and this would be our second date and we had agreed there would be nothing special but he showed up with flowers and a card and he was the best Valentine’s date ever so I kept him!! He is still my favorite Valentine!! :o)

  124. Before we were married we went out for dinner and a movie and when I got home he had left roses and a huge teddy bear in my room that was holding a heart that said “I Love You”, still have the bear but I loved it:)

  125. Kate Emmert says

    The one that stands out is when our son was five month old and weren’t ready to leave him with anyone yet (he was our first) so I made an Italian dinner, complete with homemade garlic bread and meatballs. I loved seeing my husband enjoy a special meal even though it was still at home 🙂

  126. Kelley Hartnett says

    This could be fun for the whole family!

  127. A night out with kids is about as creative as we get these days.

  128. Shambray Matthews says

    We got pizza shaped in a heart and danced the whole night. Just at our house. I LOVED it.

  129. rayraycartucci says

    Last year it was just me and my son who was four. My husband had a gig so he couldn’t be home. So I decided we could do a chalk drawing for my husband under the carport for when he got home late at night. He loved it so much…he was touched by our artwork.

  130. When we were very poor, I bought 4 snack cakes from the day old bakery store. I cut them into bite size and we savored them

  131. Karen Thompson says

    definitely last year… we hiked down the rocky coastline to a big flat rock that I set up hearts-on-sticks (like lawn flamingos) around and candles in the sand. we popped some martinelli’s and ate a picnic lunch, and got really familiar with some squirrels that were trying to steal our food!

  132. I’m never very creative. Most years it’s me and my son, so it’s generally heart-shaped pizza. Fondue might be a nice change. 😉

  133. My best Valentine’s Day was when I got engaged. 🙂

  134. The first thing my husband EVER did for me was leave me roses from a “Secret Admirer” when we were in college. He has done this a couple times since. It is a fun beginning to US! 🙂

  135. Christine B says

    I did the 12 days of Valentine’s for my husband our first Valentine’s Day we were married.

  136. Well since it’s also my birthday, the most romantic date is one that I get to plan. Generally sneaking out after the kids go to bed and leaving with grandma. Want to spend my birthday with the family and my other 2 love bugs.

  137. Every year I hand make a card.

  138. My husband took us to Park City for the weekend!

  139. My most romantic Valentine’s Date really was not on valentine’s day. Lets just say that it would have happened if we both could have spent Valentine’s together.

    I came home to a tray of cocktail shrimp, wine and movies. We spent the night in front of the fire place just enjoying spending the time together watching movies while outside it was snowing making it the most romantic night my fiance and I spent together.

  140. a fondue date sounds like the cutest!

  141. I would make an angel food cake and pick up fresh strawberries for dipping in the choclate fondue, A bottle of sparking cider in chilled wine glasses, Lock the doors and hide the phones!!

  142. In college, my now husband arranged a candle light/starlight dinner up the canyon and had his friend cook for us.

  143. We get a heart shaped pizza every year and make crafts with the kids

  144. I think my dream date would be having dinner in & a movie night with plenty of snacks & cuddles! I’m more into relaxing than going out. Haha.

  145. We had a picnic on the living room carpet. Our toddler woke up and joined us. It was a sweet moment.

  146. Michelle V says

    I have always wanted a fondue set… and champagne glasses!

    Our most creative date was last year, had to date at home after our newborn twins were in bed for the “night”. We had dinner by candlelight, it was fun!

  147. My husband and I were in different states for 3 months during school, so I was able to fly to him and he surprised me with a stay at a bed and breakfast, a couple’s spa package, and dinner on an island off of seattle!

  148. My husband cooking me dinner 🙂 Love when he does that!!

  149. When the hubby dressed in a suit and cooked dinner for me.

  150. I can’t remember!! My hubby does not do much for Valentine’s Day which is okay, I still love the man. I take him out for a steak!!

  151. Mary-Frances C. says

    Movies and Dinner at a Greek restaurant. Not so creative!

  152. I made a Valentine’s Day countdown for my husband providing clues to what we would be doing on our special day together– dinner at a lodge-inspired restaurant and a romantic movie. Another year I made a Valentine’s Day kit for him to use so he could plan a date for the two of us without pressure.

  153. I wrote on a deck of cards each saying what I loved about him.

  154. Breakfast in bed.

  155. a candlelight dinner for two 🙂

  156. Fun idea!

  157. This is my first Valentines to celebrate with my boyfriend, but it is long distance, which means getting creative. My plan is to have a gift box of goodies delivered to him at his office that day, and a special card waiting for him at home!

  158. A date night in with a fun … game … 🙂

  159. Bubble bath, wine and chocolate.

  160. i like leaving things for my hubby to find that make him smile.

  161. My husband and I are both really bad at remembering Valentine’s Day. We need help to make it special! Thanks for the giveaway!

  162. Where I heart attacked the living room and on every heart was a reason why I loved him. I also made sure there was a heart for every day leading up to our anniversary so he could re read them. That turned out to be 80 something days!! 😀

  163. My most romantic valentines is when my boyfriend took me on a date and surprised me with a proposal!

  164. We are not big Valentines’ people…so we usually cook a nice meal and snuggle up to watch a movie. Always romantic 🙂

  165. Last year we went to a very nice, tapas restaurant near home. He bought a bottle of wine and we enjoyed multiple tapas selections and a delicious desert. It was so great 🙂

  166. Trisha Tucker says

    I planned a scavenger hunt for my husband that ended with a picnic in the park and later that night my husband took me on trip down memory lane.

  167. The first year we were dating, hubby and I, I went all out making a chocolate cake, steak au poivre, perfect green beans. It turned out great, the wine was excellent, and the card was just right. I also found out that my then bf hated pepper. LOL.

  168. Roses are always welcome!

  169. We put the kids to bed and went out to the patio.. made smores and had yummy marshmallow kisses… 🙂

  170. What a ‘meltingly fabulous’ giveaway!

  171. Carly Jasielum says

    I think the most creative Valentine’s Day I had was when I cut out about ten colorful hearts and made my boyfriends follow clues written on the hearts to find his gift! It was a lot of fun for both of us!

  172. This is a greatest gifts of elegance of all. Thank you for giving away one the baskets to one lucky winner. Happy Valentine’s on the 14th.

  173. Erin Adams says

    He had his family send my favorite things that you can only get in texas because I was feeling homesick.

  174. Chocolate!!!

  175. Um…honestly, I’m not very creative. My husband and I enjoy keeping things simple. So, usually just a nice dinner, sometimes a movie, massage exchange, and some snuggling. 😉

  176. I don’t always have to go out to feel like I’m having a date. I like to make a special dinner at home, maybe light some candles, and make sure the kids are taken care of elsewhere.

  177. alissabeth says

    I worked a 12 hour shift and my husband had a candlelit dinner set up with catered food and even thought of having bath stuff to soak my cares away!

  178. this is awesome!!

  179. We don’t go out hardly at all so all of our dates are at home. We love fondue and this looks like a blast. My husband provides a “menu” for me the day of which I can pick what we are having then he goes out and buys what he needs and makes us dinner. It has become a tradition and I love it.

  180. Pauline Burns says

    Spending time with my hubby is always a treat

  181. My husband is a cyclist so I created a custom bike/map painting of the town we live in!

  182. we only had 2!!!

  183. We haven’t had many creative or fancy Valentine’s but we have had incredible dates throughout the year! On our first date my husband took me on a tour of Seattle. It was so fun and crazy romantic!

  184. Julie Robertson says

    I used the “Passport to Paris” date idea from the Loving Wives Club. I had a Jenga game with some of the bricks indicating a certain action, twinkle lights on our headboard, sparkling cider. It was a nice time after the kids were asleep!

  185. My first valentine with my now husband: he planned a simple dinner up a nearby canyon, flowers, chocolates, and cheesecake! We got engaged soon after.

  186. Great idea for Valentine’s Day!

  187. I created a Valentine’s Day countdown calendar for my shorties and they LOVED it!

  188. Brooke Taylor says

    Would love this.

  189. They always say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so i got my hubby’s favorite pizza from papa murphy’s in the shape of a heart, we had a nice romantic dinner in and watched some of our favorite movies, simple, but just what we like!

  190. I love fondue! What a great date night idea!

  191. We are pretty boring here. Anytime spent focusing on each other is wonderful to me.

  192. Dinner on a boat then movies and going home to no baby (or his kids) and cuddling

  193. I ‘kidnapped’ him and took him on a surprise scavenger hunt which ended with dinner at a restaurant.

  194. Dinner at my favorite restaurant!

  195. I got nuthin.

  196. Sarah Nuttall says

    The year we were engaged, my husband surprised me with a candlelight dinner and my favorite food that he cooked himself.

  197. We went to a dance, which was really romantic because I love to dance and my husband hates to dance and it was his idea!

  198. I’m not very creative usually just dinner and a movie. 🙂

  199. Last year my hubby surprised me with a limo to take us to dinner!

  200. carrie harris says

    My hubby has always been creative with theme dates. Our g-themed date was fun…goofy golf, pick up some gatorade, go-karts, then home for the rest of the g-theme…

  201. RaNette Free says

    My husband and his friend got together and planned a night for us wives. Rented out a gym and decorated! We danced and had a candelit dinner in the gym. Then they had a mini golf course set up in another area (made of cardboard boxes and pvc pipes hahaha) SO AWESOME

  202. Michelle janes says

    My husband surprised me with a fire outside in our fire pit, with blankets for a picnic and snuggling, and he had my favorite music playing. Which was so sweet because he’s a very quiet and reserved not very romantic guy.

  203. Well, I’ve never had a Valentine before. I met my husband just after Valentine’s day last year, and we just got married. So, I am positive that this Valentine’s will be the best!

  204. We were engaged and in college and valentines rolled around in some of the coldest snowiest weather we’d ever been in. So we got all dressed up, trudged through the snow, got pizza, brought it in to my apartment for an indoor picnic and games… its been a tradition every year since.

  205. I had hmplay hangman to figure out what his gift was going to be.

  206. I think it would be fun to kidnap my man for a getaway.

  207. not sure. The past 2 years we’ve been tending other people’s kids, so this year will be amazing!

  208. We don’t go out much. Last year my hubby brought me flowers from Costco 🙂

  209. We pretty much do the standard Valentine’s Day date, dinner out and a movie. Hopefully someday we’ll mix things up 🙂

  210. double date bowling with my sister and brother in law.

  211. I did a full on Alice in Wonderland theme last year, complete with a trip down the rabbit hole, cricket with odd objects, cookies that said Eat Me, and small bottles of punch that said Drink Me and the Johnny Depp version of the movie.

  212. Sara Westhead says

    Coupon book for hubby

  213. Michelle J. says

    When we were dating, my husband gave me a huge box that was not very heavy. I was hoping it was an engagement ring. It turned out to be a big pillow. He has gotten better since then!

  214. Any date on Valentine’s Day would be a creative one for me!

  215. Last year my husband made us a nice dinner and we danced in the living room 🙂 It was really nice!

  216. I would love to win any of the baskets.

  217. We’re a tame bunch. A dinner that is red (pizza, spaghetti, etc.) and home made cards.

  218. I’m always a fan of candlelight dinners.

  219. Dawn Monroe says

    When the kids were younger I decorated the table with tons of conversation hearts, candy and flowers and made them dinner, they loved it. This blog hop has so much creativity, I wish I had some.:)

  220. Bri Morgan says

    Most romantic was probably, the valentines we stayed in, lights turned down, candle light picnic on the floor. time spent just with one another.

  221. Lora Howard says

    I don’t know that I’ve ever had a fella go “all out” for me for Valentine’s Day. Sad but true. My first 2 husbands were either #1 not romantic or #2 too self-centered. My guy now is beyond wonderful, but he is chronically ill, and we’ve only been together for 1 V-day and he was really sick then, so I’m hoping this year might be different!!!

  222. My hubby had all of the plans for date night all lined up – all I had to do was be ready.

  223. I’m not very good at the whole creative thing. A movie, homemade heart shaped pizza and heart shaped cookies cover it for me.

  224. dinner and a movie at home relaxing…………………..I’d love to add fondue this year!

  225. Wendy Lawson says

    anytime with my man is memorable…. 🙂

  226. I made rice krispie treats in the shape of hearts and I made them pink!

  227. Judy Graves says

    Hmmm, been married for 34 years and being a Senior Citizen, maybe I just can’t remember creative or romantic??? MrsNat TX

  228. It’s been to long, don’t remember

  229. I told my boyfriend to pick me up at my place so we could go out to dinner…little did he know I had prepared a seafood dinner for us! He was totally surprised. : )

  230. I really never have had a romantic night. Something always happens.

  231. I usually have to get up early for work, so when he get’s up with me to fix my tea and some breakfast, I think that is super romantic. 🙂

  232. One year I planned a sweet picnic at a local state park and then afterwards we warmed up at home by the fire!

  233. I actually planned a fondue night a few years ago!

  234. fawn strunk says

    we have never really done much at all. I would love to start and winning any of these blog hops would help

  235. We set up a “night in Paris” at home.

  236. Laurie Black says

    We aren’t very creative, usually stay in to avoid the crowds. Hubby cooks something on the grill and I make chocolate desert. Last year it was lava cake.

  237. The most creative V-Day I had was 3 years ago. My single girlfriends and I went out to a nice dinner, went back to my one friends house to make brownies, and gossiped over said brownies and wine all night!

  238. It would be fun to do something like this again! Sounds wonderful!!

  239. We don’t really do creative things for Valentine’s Day. We just take our 10 yr old autistic daughter out where ever she wants to go and make the day about her.

  240. My hubby planned a day of activities…pottery painting, cookie decorating, hunting for surprises around the house…such a fun day!

  241. This year is probably our most romantic date. My husband LOVES animals, so we are going to the Olympic Game Farm in Washington State (a drive-through zoo where you get to feed the animals) and we are staying in a nice hotel with a hot tub! We are also doing some exploring because my husband LOVES the outdoors!

  242. My most romantic Valentine’s day/Birthday would be when my husband, then fiance surprised me with a wedding cake topper from our favorite bakery to represent our upcoming wedding. 18 years later, I still think this was one of the most sweetest, most thoughtful things.

  243. Vicky Motte says

    Would love to win this. Love Fondue.

  244. Last year, my boyfriend handcrafted me a huge cut out cardboard red heart and glued the sweetheart candies all over it. And dark chocolates too!

  245. Jesharelah says

    My husband & I set up a scavenger hunt all over town – with one gift hidden for every month that we had been married. So much fun!

  246. Kirsten Phillips says

    We’re not super creative, we usually just make a fancy dinner at home.

  247. I dipped strawberries in chocolate a few times (before there were children) 🙂

  248. Sally Wood says


  249. Afton Malone says

    Our first year married we lived in a tiny apartment with no dining room or kitchen table. When i got home he had turned our living room into a little bistro. He even had roses on the table and takeout ( because he can’t cook). lol It was so sweet!

  250. Any time I didn’t have to do the decision making!

  251. I’ve been out of town the last three Valentine’s days. I’ve made sure to send him a card each year though!

  252. We had an all pink meal for one valentine’s day-strawberry waffles and sauce, rosy applesauce, fruit….it was fun for us and our daughter who was about 3 and in love with pink at the time.

  253. I blew my husband out of the water with a love scavenger hunt of all of our favorite places and then heart attacked his apartment. Simple, but so fun!

  254. Scavenger hunt around apt building

  255. My favorite Valentine’s Day was a trip to Disneyland. 🙂

  256. Wow

  257. This looks like a great date night

  258. The last couple of years we picked out a couple new recipes to try & cooked them together which was fun!

  259. The first Valentine’s Day after our engagement, we recreated out first date! It was really fun!!

  260. My hubby took me on a scavenger hunt around town to a bunch of special spots to us. 🙂

  261. a meal ordered in and time to spend alone – pretty easy to please! 🙂

  262. Walking on the beach in Puerto Vallarta at sunset was our most romantic date

  263. never a super valentines day-but ask me how he proposed 😉

  264. Laurie Bradshaw says

    I love fondue!

  265. My husband planned a surprise sexy hotel stay. We had a romantic dinner with flowers and drinks. He didn’t tell me where we were going and just drove to the hotel. It was very romantic and sexy. Candles, champagne, and 😉 lots of love!

  266. Our first as a couple was especially meaningful. My boyfriend who is now my husband cooked me a candlit dinner and wrote reasons he loves me on hearts he cut out hisself. I still have the hearts!!

  267. The most creative v-day date was the night my Husband proposed to me in my favorite Tea House. He rented out the place for just the two of us, and had a 5 course meal served. It was beautiful and amazing!

  268. Susan Snyder says

    our first together he brought me a teddy bear holding the most beautiful roses I had ever seen and tickets to a concert !

  269. We usually have a nice dinner together at home, and some sort of movie. That’s romantic enough for me!

  270. Fondue would be as crazy as it gets for us! we haven’t done much on valentines day in the past.

  271. Our first Valentines day “dating” he flew out to surprise me! 🙂

  272. Most romantic was at a restaurant serving local food, with gifts being jewelry and handmade photo album by my boyfriend!

  273. Creative? Romantic? nooo… just not us… but we enjoy being together.

  274. A trip to Paris for a date on the Eiffel Tower!

  275. I don’t have any amazing or super special Valentine Dates but all of the dates with my husband are special to me!

  276. My favorite Valentine’s Day is any one I get to spend with my sweet hubby :+)

  277. we went for a really fancy pants dinner for our first married valentine’s day

  278. Unfortunately, my valentines dates are not creative. We usually just go to dinner. But winning this basket would totally change that!

  279. Chocolate Fondue …yum

  280. Laura Vance T says

    Our eldest daughter (then 8) cooked a meal with my mom, set up a fancy table our balcony, and acted as our server for the evening.

  281. I LOVE Valentine’s Day! I try to make it special for my kiddos. From heart compliments on their bedroom doors, serving-heart shaped food all day long, cutesy shirts and socks. I make my hubby all of his favorites, too–steak and potatoes and snicker doodles.

  282. I don’t really have a creative date to share but I did spend weeks working on a scrapbook for him one year of all the poems I had written him and some of the pictures we had taken together and on a few of our trips and lists of the reasons why I loved him and the things I loved about him!

  283. Most romantic was a special dinner at a tiny place that served only 6 couples. Meal took all evening, lots of courses with wine pairings. Lovely meal, fabulous company with my hubby!

  284. Most romantic valentines date was 17 years ago from this Valentines when we got married. 🙂

  285. Anna Perkins says

    My most creative Valentine’s date was when I made a gourmet picnic and kidnapped my husband away to a park to celebrate.

  286. Lynda Fraley says

    Making him things

  287. I haven’t been one for traditional V-day, but I love all the great ideas via Pinterest which incorporate the whole family. I think it’s sweet! I think fondue is a perfect Valentine’s Day dinner tradition to start this year (whether I win this basket or not).

  288. My most romantic Valentine’s date was full of chocolate, red roses, and diamonds (an engagement ring).

  289. My most romantic was a couple years ago when my boyfriend showed up at the door dressed in a tux and carrying a dozen roses!! We went out for a nice dinner!

  290. Jennifer G. says

    Going to see Edward Scissorhands when I was pregnant with my son 22 years ago 🙂

  291. Veronica Munoz says

    We would love this!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  292. I sent my boyfriend picture hints of what I was going to wear that evening when he got home… like a clue game!

  293. I like quiet, alone time with my husband at a splurge restaurant, not talking about logistics or kids!

  294. we are pretty low key on valentines day we prefer to surprise each other throughout the year when it isn’t expected. but normally I get flowers, and I make a fancier dinner that I know my husband will love

  295. We don’t usually do anything much. If we do dinner out, it’s slightly before or after VDay to avoid crowds. Usually I will make steak or something slightly fancier than usual 🙂

  296. I don’t have one! Maybe this year 😉 But I do enjoy making a fun dinner for the family & decorating the table

  297. one year we ate a pizza in our bed while watching a movie to hide from our children! Ha!

  298. It sounds cheesy but it was two years ago when I married my husband on this day!

  299. When we took a mini three day vacation for Vday without the kiddies!

  300. I pack my husband’s lunch every morning. Last year, Feb 1st-14th, I packed a cheesy little card with a corresponding food item (i.e., a card that says “you are the apple of my eye” stuck to an apple…you get the idea.) He loved it and I loved surprising him each day.

  301. Last year I was traveling for work on Valentine’s Day. 🙁 But my fiance (now hubby!) sent me a care package filled with girl scout cookies, a bottle of wine, rose petals, and wine glasses! It was a fabulous surprise and it made celebrating by myself in my hotel room *that* much better.

  302. Jennifer Appleton says

    We went to a marriage retreat! It was a great way to get refueled and encouraged. We stayed in a jacuzzi room and went to a movie afterwards 🙂

  303. Julie Wood says

    My most romantic Valentine’s Day date was several years ago when my kids were young. A good friend (who is single) offered to watch our kids, so we took off on a date. It was so fun knowing our kids were taken care of. I’ll always remember her kindness that day.

  304. Surprise picnic!

  305. We actually just go to Panera, we always have. we are wayyy too laid back )

  306. Most creative Valentine’s date – hubby called from work and told me to pack a bag, then surprised me with a weekend away!

  307. We haven’t done anything super creative, but we love to make dinner and have a romantic evening together!

  308. A hike in the woods where a picnic is waiting at the top with candles

  309. Spluring a very nice, romantic dinner last year!

  310. Zane Wells says

    I was taken on a tour of some of the important parts of our relationship.

  311. One date that we did was centered around a silly movie, at various points in the movie, we would stop and do an activity that was related to the part of the movie that we were at. We finger-painted with baby food, decorated cookies, made pizza etc. It was awesome.

  312. I had notes posted in each room of the house when my hubby got home from work. In the kitchen I had made him supper, in the living room I had his slippers and the remote, in his office I had an offer to play his favorite computer game w/ him, in our spare room I had it set up with massage oil to relax him and in our bedroom…well I won’t go there 🙂 It was a lot of fun!

  313. A homemade dinner and a concert!

  314. My husband got down on one knee and re-proposed to me at our favorite restaurant. He said, “I know I didn’t do this 10 years ago, but you deserved it then and you deserve it now!” Everyone cheered!

  315. Martha Schultz says

    One year we had a fun night planned out at home with movies.

  316. nice dinner outside and watching the stars

  317. A few years ago, my hubby surprised me with some yummy aphrodisiac h’orderves he’d made, so this year I want us to get in the kitchen together and make them again, or try some new ones!

  318. Stacey Demers-McFarland says

    I haven’t had that special date yet! Help me out! I would love to win any of these 28 give aways to help spark that perfect night this year!!!

  319. surprises are the best. any surprises… it lets you know that your husband took the time and effort into loving you!

  320. My most creative Valentine’s day was driving my “then” boyfriend and I to a heli pad and announcing we were going on a romantic helicopter ride over the city with champagne and strawberries.

  321. Skating on a frozen pond then having a picnic with champagne!

  322. Marielle Weaver says

    Love this basket

  323. Angela Wildermuth says

    I’m not very creative, but I might steal your basket theme idea and do fondue at home this year.

  324. ivette serrano wirth says

    thank you so much for this chance to win. I love fondue!! my kids would also have so much fun with this. what a great family valentines idea

  325. Surprise picnic 🙂

  326. My husband would love this gift!

  327. Stephanie Phelps says

    One year for Valentines we had no money for a babysitter so my husband came home early got the kids fed and ready for bed and then surprised me with a quit dinner for two.

  328. We usually do a Candle light dinner at home. It’s hard to go anywhere with kids.

  329. I “heart attacked” my sweetheart’s bedroom our first Valentine’s day together… 3 days later, we were engaged!

  330. My husband and I always trade off on planning Valentine’s and Anniversary dates. This year, it’s my turn to plan Valentine’s and this gift would be sooo much fun! Last year my husband recreated one of our first dates. The year before that I gave him a package with everything you’d need to make S’Mores and we roasted marshmallows over the stove. Valentine’s Day isn’t necessarily a time for big and flashy dates for us but a time to celebrate the love that we have and the way that love keeps growing.

  331. Most Creative valentine’s day had to be when my husband and I were dating. I made a romantic dinner and decorated my kitchen with paper chains, cut outs, etc. . .very romantic.

  332. My husband made me heartshaped meatballs!

  333. last year he treated me to a trip to michaels…yeah, thats love

  334. Ashli Crookston says

    We’re not very creative, but last year we made heart-shaped pizza with heart-shaped pepperonis and stayed in with our girls on Valentine’s Day! It was fun! We still went out on a date the next night, though. 🙂

  335. Amy McFarlane says

    Our wedding reception was on Valentine’s day. It was pretty romantic 🙂

  336. I would love to get an opportunity to spend with my loverface using this basket! I hope you have a lovely valentines day!!


  337. My husband proposed to me on valentines. Best day ever!

  338. We never doing anything super creative. Always one serious card and one funny card and dinner. I am just blessed I can spend the time with my husband during our crazy schedules !

  339. We live in Oklahoma in a small town so me and my hubby went to his work at one of the Ranches about 2000 acres and found a hill and watched the sunset and did some fishing and laid out under the stars so nice just me and him with no distractions!!

  340. Lisa Cooper says

    Being alone with my man!

  341. Diana Cote says

    Game night, favorite cooked meal and dessert. 🙂

  342. On our first Valentine’s Day together, he bought me a bracelet of X’s and O’s all linked together and I had never seen this romantic side of him before. In fact, the first gift he ever gave to me was a knife sharpener so I wasn’t expecting much on Valentine’s!

  343. One year I “kidnapped” my husband and whisked him away to a romantic inn!

  344. My husband surprised me by dressing up and having me dress up for an extravagant homemade candlelit dinner with appetizers to start and chocolate covered strawberries to top it all off. After I sang and played him a love song on the guitar that I wrote for him and we finished off the night by watching the movie Valentine’s Day.

  345. One year my hubs bought me scissors. Sounds cheeseball, but it was something I had been complaining about for a long time! Good scissors are hard to find!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  346. Kristy DeGraaf says

    My life is so busy that it doesn’t take much. Quiet dinner, time to talk, someone to take the kids and do the dishes….just like spending alone time with my guy 🙂

  347. My husband once made a maze with rose pedals and clues all throughout the house for Valentine’s Day for me!

  348. I love cooking a special meal for the two of us!

  349. Kortney Nelson says

    pcht, dinner and a movie is the only thing we ever do. lol

  350. My most romantic Valentines was our first one married, we had said we would not do much of anything due to very low budget (both graduate students). He surprised me with a lovely evening, and his excuse was that it was not for Valentines day, but because it was our 6 month anniversary! 🙂

  351. My favorite was last year (my first with my fiance). I had a BIG favor to cash in from a friend who is a personal chef. So I chased fiance out of his apartment, cleaned & decorated, put on a 5 hour play list of slow romantic songs (that are NOT about unhealthy relationships. It was not easy!) and when he came home, my chef friend cooked us a beautiful three course dinner with wine pairings! After he left, the fiance and I sat finishing off the wine, chatting and cuddling on the couch so long that my playlist started over again!

  352. I’ve never been with anyone that is romantic so I’m looking forward to this year and this would be a perfect way to spend the evening

  353. Dinner and Lady Antebellum concert was my favorite!

  354. Our first year married my husband bought me a rose bush with three buds and cooked me dinner for the first time! it was so special and then we went to the movies 🙂

  355. He usually takes me out to dinner.

  356. Any kind of nice easy dinner at home (take out, preferably), by a fire and just the 2 of us. thank for the giveaway and Happy Valentines Day!

  357. Robyn Norton says

    We always rent a movie we saw together in the theatre. It’s a fun memory flashback every time!

  358. Fondue is the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner.

  359. The best Valentines Days for us are spent pretty low key. If my husband makes dinner and we can relax with a good movie and a glass of wine, it’s a good night!

  360. My most romantic Valentine’s Day date was when my then-boyfriend, now-husband, made a spaghetti dinner and served it by candlelight with my favorite chocolate cake for dessert.

  361. We aren’t very creative! Its more fun now that we have kids!

  362. my favorite valentines day would have to be the one where we didn’t have a lot of extra cash, but my hubbs surprised me with a kindle!!!! AND ROSES!

  363. Paula Gardner says

    I will never forget the first time he bought me a Valentines gift. It was a little Teddy Bear. He was so embarrassed but it was SOOO sweet to see this middle aged shy man trying to make me smile.

  364. Terri Upton says

    I’m not very creative. so we will go out to eat.

  365. The best valentines day was when I delivered our last child on Feb. 9th as close to valentines day as I could get. What better way to celebrate your love than the birth of a child. (our 5th) that was 14 years ago.

  366. We went for a weekend getaway right outside of town! It was relaxing and romantic!

  367. Yuchen Zhang says

    My fav. V-day Present was when my best friend, whom I call Wifey, put like 30 electronic candles all over my room and made me paper roses that was also scattered all over my room. I came back and the lights were off and the whole place looked like a scene out of a movie. She had flowers on the table, candles everywhere and chocolates on the table as well. It was one of those “girls know what girls like” type presents. =) Never had a boyfriend out do her yet!

  368. Jessica Hornibrook says

    our first valentines together, my husband asked ,y dad if he could marry me – can’t get much more romantic than that!

  369. When I was 19 my now husband sent me 2 dozen long stem roses , A Huge and I mean HUGE teddy bear and a drink/candy combo gift to my work as a surprise. Later that night we went to dinner and a movie. Loved IT!!!

  370. Cyndi Valentine says

    Rose petals, candles, kids in bed, door closed……

  371. My husband was out at a meeting and he then had to work shortly after so we didn’t have much time on Valentines day. So, I knew when he would be home and I waited for him in our bedroom with candles and rose petals leading to me and some new lingerie, and the rest was history!

  372. Staying at home, cooking dinner together, then watching a movie in… best time ever 🙂

  373. Linda Montes says

    I made a wonderful dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert.

  374. On our honeymoon on our first Valentine’s Day married, he surprised me with a day at Disneyworld, with reservations at the most romantic Italian cafe at Epcot and we were personally serenaded!

  375. Alanna Tenney says

    Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. Every year my husband makes the kids and I a heart shaped dinner of some kind. Then we put the kids to bed and have a spa night at home together!! It’s perfect every year. Simple and relaxing!

  376. I think just a coffee from Starbucks and a chance to have a quiet talk would be the perfect day!

  377. Revisiting our first date!

  378. The most romantic was when we were stationed in Germany with the US Army and we actually had dinner in an Italian restaurant in Italy!

  379. A romantic movie followed by ice cream in bed

  380. My most creative Valentine’s Day date was when I sent my husband on a scavenger hunt. He loved it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  381. Love it!

  382. My boyfriend suprised me by taking me to Hilton Head Island, SC

  383. My most creative and romantic date was a scavenger hunt around the house. Each clue had a rose with a line of poetry on it and led to a different gift each time.

  384. We don’t usually “do” Valentine’s Day at our house but sometimes we’ll get takeout Chinese and eat on the floor of the living room, around the coffee table, by candle light, while watching a movie. Kind of hard to do a “big” V-day date when you’re not living near family and can’t find a sitter. 🙂

  385. One year when we were younger, we didn’t have much, I prepared us a candlelight dinner, created decorative menus, and had a little bubbly, my man LOVED it!

  386. My best love day was a great surprise. My then boyfriend got into my bedroom, left a box of chocolates on my pillow. There were instructions underneath for a little treasure hunt around the room. I found a bracelet and card. He picked me up later in the day, and we went to the beach. We walked hand in hand in anticipation of the summer. Afterwards we went to a local seafood house and had warming bowls of clam chowder. Just a dreamy delight.

  387. My fiance surprised me with awesome chocolates and goodies from victorias secret. He even brought a little Valentine’s day hello kitty gift basket for my 4 year old daughter. That was my best valentine’s day ever.

  388. Couples massage, movie, nice dinner, and good conversation!

  389. I honestly don’t think I have ever had a Valentine’s date! But I could share this basket with my grandchildren!

  390. Rhonda Miller says

    The one I remember the most was the year I made my husband a candy bar poster accompanied by a ‘spa’ basket.

  391. we are pretty boring… just a coffee date or dinner and a movie

  392. we had a beautiful dinner on the rooftop!

  393. My first Valentines with my husband was when I was 6 1/2 month pregnant, but he spoiled me and made me feel so loved!

  394. Valentines Day in NYC a few years ago, diner, pretty lights, and a broadway show! 🙂

  395. Lindsay Jones says

    Sad to say the most we really do is go out to eat. We’ve been students the whole time we’ve been married (college through med school) and we’ve never had the money to do much else. This would be a great way to start a new tradition!

  396. Aimee Smith says

    We always do a stay at home date on Valentines day, it always ends up being more romantic than going out!

  397. Heidi Tracy says

    Valentine’s Day has never been a really big deal for myself or my husband (we’ve been married for almost 10 years, too!!). I’m hoping to change it up this year, after 3 kids we definitely need some “us” time!

  398. Surprise dinner on the beach!

  399. Hubby took me to a Sarah McLachlan concert on Valentines. Best one ever.

  400. Just being together 🙂

  401. Wow this would be super romantic. Can totally imagine snuggling up for a movie with this basket. 🙂

  402. Last year, my husband made a surprise dinner for me. It was very fancy and delicious. He cooked my favorite foods and also made chocolate covered strawberries!

    This is so fun! Thanks 🙂

  403. My then-long-distance-boyfriend-now-husband surprised me with a weekend visit and a homemade strawberry chocolate cake!

  404. This year, I would love to spice the day up with a book related date 😀

  405. I like to cook, so we usually stay in and enjoy each other’s company at home during each course 😉

  406. One of my most creative dates that I went on was breakfast at tiffany’s inspired where we both got to pick 2 things that we have never done before and we did that. It was fun.

  407. a date in the mountains would be WONDERFUL!!!!

  408. in college, one year i decorated my now-husband’s dorm room with little paper hearts with those candy heart sayings written on them. i also used to bake cookies for him and his roommates.

  409. I’m not very creative, we usually just have dinner. These baskets are giving me some good ideas.

  410. My husband to a very nice romantic dinner in Atlanta and then we spent the night in a nice hotel. It was so romantic and thoughtful

  411. The most romantic Valentine’s day was 10 years ago when I found out I was preggo on Valentine’s day!

  412. A real candle-lit dinner at home, very romantic.

  413. We don’t really do anything huge for Valentine’s Day, but last year my husband INSISTED on buying our daughter (who was 1.5 at the time) a GIGANTIC monkey for the holiday. It’s still bigger than she is.

  414. One year we rented a really nice cabin and spent the weekend in the Smokies.

  415. Our best valentine’s day was cooking together and having a “hotel night” by staying in our guest room and watching movies. And stuff. 🙂

  416. Shauna Knowlden says

    I have never tried this before. This looks fun. 🙂

  417. When we were dating, my husband celebrated our first Valentine’s Day by getting me roses, making authentic Puerto RIcan food (we lived there for a while), and then doing a scavenger hunt at the mall, which ended at a jewelry store to pick out an engagement ring. 🙂

  418. We actually haven’t had a really romantic vday yet. Maybe this year!

  419. The most romantic Valentine’s Day was when my husband surprised me with a romantic dinner in the mountains.

  420. Nothing very creative – usually a special dinner at home!

  421. Laralyn Smith says

    A weekend at a bed and breakfast with no tv, cell phones, or kids… heaven!

  422. We usually do steak, lobster and chocolate fondue with our 5 sons. That’s about as creative as we get. 🙂

  423. My most romantic Valentines day included a scavenger hunt, candlelight dinner, and dancing.

  424. My fiance took me for a surprise picnic overlooking the city we live in. It was magical!

  425. Ooh, we love fondue!! Great idea for a romantic night in.

  426. Cooked dinner for my husband…clad only in sexy lingerie (blush).

  427. Susan Chester says

    Years ago we were so broke we couldn’t afford anything for Valentine’s day (or anything else). My husband tore apart the car and found enough change to buy me my favorite candy bar. I thought it was so sweet!

  428. Suzanne T. says

    Going out for a nice dinner and then going home to cuddle and watch a good movie.

  429. would love to have a creative valentines day

  430. I love date nights in! This is sure to be a winner 🙂

  431. Becky Sandusky says

    My husband and I use to go to dinner with just us. Now we take the kids. Can’t remember anything else that I have done.

  432. My best valentine’s day was the year we were engaged. We went to a little french cafe in town and then picked out our wedding rings!

  433. husband made fondue at home!

  434. LeAnn Matrazzo says

    The most romantic Valentines date was when my husband took me in a white limousine to The Melting Pot. We got a private booth in Lover’s Lane Where there was Fresh red roses and take home wine glasses waiting for us. The whole experience of having fondue was exciting and romantic.

  435. Romantic candlelit dinner 🙂

  436. looks delicious!! Hope I win! 🙂

  437. Susan Smith says

    We eloped to Las Vegas and got married on Valentines Day!

  438. I surprised the guy that’s now my husband with homemade cookies when we were in college. It’s a long story I won’t explain here, but a good friend helped me (as I didn’t have a car or a kitchen) and the plan was a success!

  439. T.J. Wallace says

    My husband made me dinner one year.

  440. Favorite in the recent past was a fondue dinner together

  441. Just spending time with the hubby, curled up on the couch with a romantic movie!

  442. Order him a beer basket delivered to work, the boys at work thought he was a hero that his wife sent him guy roses to work.

  443. April was in CT now CA says

    Anywhere we can go (since we rarely go out) is a special date!

  444. My best Valentine’s date was actually out to my favorite fondue restaurant!! It is the most romantic restaurant I’ve ever been to. Very intimate. And since it’s downtown Chicago, we had fun shopping afterwards!

  445. Michelle Radonski says

    We had a fancy dinner at home after the kids went to bed

  446. My husband made heart-shaped meatloaf – yummy!

  447. When my husband and I first started dating, I made him cupcakes that said ‘be mine’ and decorated his bedroom with streamers and candy while he was at class. It was quite a surprise for him!

  448. Wow, great Giveaway! Very creative!

  449. Jessica Howell says

    Perfect date would be doing anything I possibly can with my bf. we don’t get a lot of one on one time so anything we can do together would be amazing.

  450. My husband always seems to work on valentine’s day. I’d love to win this to jump start the celebration.

  451. Going hiking!

  452. I love fondue. So many things taste better when dipped in chocolate!

  453. Fantastic basket!

  454. We stayed in a cabin in the mountains and watched romantic movies. It was very romantic 🙂

  455. he took me tubing,… I came up to Michigan from Hilton Head, SC to see him for a long weekend over valentine’s day. he took me tubing and afterward, while warming in front of the lodge fire sipping hot cocoa he gave me a locket inscribed with “my heart belongs to you”

  456. Well this year my husband arranging a babysitter for our kids, then we’re going to a concert and staying at a hotel overnight. It will be nice to have a little getaway! Kathy K

  457. Shannon Loe says

    Creative basket!!!

  458. Right up my alley, I love chocolate! Thanks.

  459. We don’t do a big Valentine’s Day celebration usually. I would say the Valentine’s that he got me a Willow Tree of the couple holding each other. He also got each of the girls one with a dad and daughter together.

  460. Looks so fun, I’d love to win!

  461. Andi Gretz says

    My most romantic Vday was when my now hubby and I spent all night in his bedroom sipping wine, eating cheese and crackers and watching movies in candle light. It was all about us staying in for the night spending time together instead of going out and spending money. It was super cheap and romantic!

  462. My husband and I haven’t had a great V-day yet, but a fondue date would be so much fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win your amazing basket!

  463. My husband sang a tim mcgraw song to be and gave me tickets to the tim mcgraw concert. perfect.

  464. On Valentines day my husband and I do chocolate fondue. It has become a tradition.

  465. Brenda Smith says

    dinner and time alone

  466. Susanne Haring says

    I love red roses and a candlelight dinner fro valentines day.

  467. Melissa Parker says

    Great giveaway and really really sweet gift!

  468. Our most romantic date may sound kinda silly, but for our anniversary two years ago we went to our local pizzeria which also has an eat in BYOW restaurant. We went there for dinner and it was empty! We had the whole place to our self and it was beautiful!

  469. Lisa Martin says

    The one that will forever have my heart, is our very first one together, more than 31 years ago. My husband had to work on valentines day and money was tight. He splurged and sent me a dozen of the most beautiful mauve colored roses with a note saying how much he loved me and was thinking about me.

  470. My husband and I went to a 4-course dinner and listened to some great speakers talk about strengthening marriage.

  471. We don’t do anything fancy for Valentine’s usually, but we do like to go on cool dates to museums or historical places.

  472. Once my husband got me all gussied up and we went to the Elks for a sit down dinner 😉

  473. My boyfriend surprised me with a private dinner cruise on a boat and a day at the spa. Best one yet!

  474. We haven’t had one yet really…maybe this basket could be one that would go down in history!

  475. I love when my husband cooks for me – and he picks the best V-day cards!

  476. One Valentine Day many years ago, my then boyfriend showed up at my work with a single red rose and a note detailing the nights events……I won’t say what was in the note, but it was a very romantic night!

  477. Julie Solberg says

    We really haven’t had a real romantic valentines day before. Hoping this year will be different!

  478. Making a fancy pasta dish and eating by candle light

  479. My husband took me on a surprise cruise!!

  480. What a fun date night giveaway! Thank you for putting together such a romantic gift basket. 🙂

  481. Oops, I commented before reading what you actually wanted us to comment about! 😛 I’d have to say my best Valentine’s day so far would be the year my dad took me and his newborn grandson to visit my grandpa so he could meet his great-grandpa. We returned home from that trip on Valentine’s day to find that my wonderful husband and my fantastic mom had put together a whole romantic evening for us – dinner on a Valentine’s tablecloth, a homemade heart shaped cake, balloons, flowers, the works. It was such a sweet surprise!

  482. We like to shower others with love – anonymously. We do heart attacks to their doors or yards, and leave treats with notes for others (often people who are having a hard time). I love knowing that we made someone’s day!

  483. I love the planning process for great surprises!

  484. We’re pretty casual, so we usually just stay in. Though now that we have a kid in the house, we’ll probably have to get more creative.

  485. I had a trail of paper hearts lead to different valentine gifts. Lastly, it lead to our bed with a card listing 50 things I love about him. Afterward we went to one of our favorite restaurants and read questions that we asked each other to get to know the other better. Then we talked about how we met and fell in love! 🙂

  486. When I was still in high school (yes it was that long ago!), my boyfriend at the time blindfolded me and drove me in his jeep to the beach (we lived in New England not far from the beach). While it was super cold, it was really clever. A nice picnic on the sand with no one else around.

  487. Sophie Tautou says

    It was Valentine’s Day. After a long fly from a business trip, my dear husband saw himself in the situation where he was heading home without a “Valentine’s” gift for me. While away, he didn’t have the time to find something that he thought I would really, really like…

    He knew of this little necklace we had seen together in a jewelry store that just opened for business in our town; and which I liked very much. His plans were to stop by the shop and buy me the necklace, but the store was closed that day! Oops! What he did next is what I found to have been very caring (or romantic). He found the way to contact the owner of the shop. My husband told the man about the necklace and how much I liked it. Luckily for him, this nice gentleman agreed and opened the store. As my husband was paying, he thanked this lovely elderly man for what he had done for us. The gentleman responded by saying “a wife is a fine jewel to be treasured; and taking good a care of that jewel is a must”. “I had such a jewel not long ago; and boy, did she give me joy”. “The man who has the courage to call me to open the store to buy a gift for his wife, shows me that she is worth all that effort”.

    I must tell you there have been many romantic and crazy Valentines days in my life since I met my lovely husband, but this was the greatest Valentine’s experience ever. To be seen through the eyes of a complete stranger, who showed as much care for us as we show for each other. That was something very special to me.

  488. Going to the Log Cabin for supper!

  489. Dinner and a movie or a weekend away.

  490. I have never yet had the chance or experienced a super romantic date. I hope to plan one this year!

  491. My husband took me to Paris for Valentine’s Day one year…!

  492. We haven’t had a great romantic Valentines Day in the 3 years we’ve known each other and 2 years married. That’s why I want to make this year special!

  493. Betsy Barnes says

    My most romantic Valentine’s Day was twenty-six years ago, hubby and I had our first date, hiking, picnic lunch and some sightseeing, was an amazing day 🙂

  494. One year I set up a scavenger hunt for the hubs and it was super fun and he really enjoyed it. I made little clues and left them laying around the house that led him into our master bath where there was a nice warm bubble bath, wine and candles waiting on him. I started the scavenger hunt by sneaking the first clue into his truck at work when he wasn’t looking 🙂 of course that was before we had our son now it would be almost impossible to do unless he was at his grandparents 🙂

  495. I usually end up making spaghetti because everyone likes it. Or a heart shape pizza from Papa Murphy’s. Certainly not creative!

  496. My favorite Valentine’s memory is when my husband and I decided to stay in and cook together instead of going out to a busy restaurant. After dinner we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. One on One time is always nice!

  497. All of my Valentine’s days have been pretty boring actually. So this would be great to win!

  498. robyn donnelly says

    A very nice basket and thanks or your time and effort among other things.

  499. I’ve never had a particularly romantic Valentine’s date with my husband of over 18 years–pretty sad!

  500. So so so cute!! Would love to win this!!!

  501. We don’t normally have very romantic Valentine’s but hoping to this year with all the ideas I’ve gotten 🙂

  502. picnics!

  503. Debbie Bennett says

    No, romantic bones in these old bones of mine … but; flowers/dinner/movie would be a well planned event

  504. I am so not creative, but this year I am hoping to step it up. Thanks for the help.

  505. a romantic scavenger hunt

  506. I am an artsy and creative person, but one year, I was very sick and was unable to get out of bed. My boyfriend, a masculine guy, surprised me with basket of chocolate dipped fruit, homemade chicken soup, and a handmade card. It wasn’t a creative moment for me, but a very momentous and creative moment for my boyfriend!

  507. Angela Newsome says

    We got married on Feb 13th so we were on our Honeymoon on Valentines Day! It was by far the most romantic Valentines Day yet 🙂

  508. My most romantic Valentine’s day date was when me and my spouse got tattoos of each others names. Every time I look at it I’m reminded of how much I will always love him.

  509. My boyfriend and I love to watch hockey. So for our first valentine’s day together, we went to see a hockey game and it was a blast! Any time spent with him on valentine’s day I am thankful for 🙂

  510. Ski trip!

  511. Diana Stowe says

    A picnic in the park with my honey!

  512. Monique Kaput says

    My first Valentine’s day date EVER was 2 years ago with my now husband.. it wasn’t all that creative, but he proposed to me at dinner. 🙂

  513. Camille Hunt says

    The hubby and I did a staycation to Italy. It was very fun and romantic

  514. Yum! This looks like so much fun!

  515. Very creative basket. Love it!

  516. When I was in college I had a date on valentines day and although I don’t remember where we went on Valentines I do remember that he bought me my favorite movie and made home made wrapping paper and printed it from his computer and each candy heart said something personal. it was one of the sweetest things ever!

  517. I think the most romantic date I’ve been on was a stay at home date. My boyfriend had me over and cooked dinner for the both of us, then we sat and chatted and cuddled in front of some of our favorite TV shows. Cheesy, but romantic in my eyes. 🙂

  518. Cook together!

  519. Coming home to a steak dinner!

  520. samantha huie says

    we had a mini date at school with gifts and everything

  521. Most romantic was going to a very nice restaurant for dinner and then coming home to relax and watch movies. No cooking or dishes!

  522. Kristen Parry says

    Made a cute themed dinner at home. Spent it with the whole family because that is who we love!

  523. Katy McKinnon says

    The one valentines we’ve been married I had to work the night shift at the hospital. So here’s to future valentines!

  524. I’m terrible at Valentine’s Day but my husband always comes up with something sweet.

  525. I’m not the most creative of the bunch. I usually make heart shaped waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. I make a special dinner and we either have Old Blue Eye’s for background music or watch a movie and relax. Our day is best spent relaxing since we’re always on the go.

  526. I did the 14 days of Valentine’s and left my husband a treat everyday. Every year we eat our dinner by candlelight, with the kids too. And we have special valentine’s plates and cups too. 🙂

  527. I get a surprise date planned just for me every year!

  528. Most romantic would have to be first date with sweetheart. Walking all over and then feeding each other finger foods we bought from street vendors. Romantic, fun, silly, lots of conversation… right up until the babysitter called and asked where he was!

  529. we haven’t really had one yet. but fondue sounds pretty good!

  530. My “staid” ex-bf surprised me one Valentine’s Day with a “scavenger hunt” that ended at my absolute favorite restaurant! On the way, I collected a gorgeous statement necklace, a tennis bracelet, gourmet chocolates and a spray of roses with baby’s breath. It’s too bad that he ended up tossed to the curb because he had a hard time with the concept of fidelity! 🙂

  531. My husband proposed to me 7 years ago on valentines day!

  532. I made a LOST (the show) themed date night – it was so fun!

  533. Nothing real creative, I just cook and bake usually!

  534. Ours is usually dinner together and our 5 kids. Very romantic!

  535. Lauralee McCool says

    I received three dozen roses from 3 different guys one year. 😮 It was romantic for one of them, but it was definitely memorable for everyone involved.

  536. dont know….never really had one 🙁

  537. I am hoping to win one of these fun gift baskets, then I would have a fun/romantic Valentine story to share.

  538. Without going into too much detail, let’s say it began with meeting my husband at the door wearing nothing but a smile

  539. I came home to a trail of rose pedal, my favorite meal from Olive Garden, the fire burning and our favorite movie on.

  540. We aren’t very creative when it comes to date ideas, but… our best one was when DH decided to make dinner and go with a heart theme. A true challenge because he does not cook. He got frozen pizzas and cut them into heart shapes, along with cookies, bread, lunch meat… just about anything he could cut to be a heart. It was hysterical and nice to see how much thought he put into it without spending a lot of money.

  541. Simple flowers and chocolate is enough

  542. LOL Dinner and a movie?

  543. I’m happy if he gets me flowers and chocolates. One day he will take me out for Valentine’s Day!

  544. Kim Beasley says

    Melting Pot.

  545. recreating our first date with my boyfriend.

  546. When we were first married, we didn’t have a whole lot of money. So my sweet husband said we should just make handmade valentines cards and spend no money. So I decided to cut pictures out of magazines and mount them on card stock to represent all the things I WOULD have gotten him if we had money. At the end of the small pile of pictures, were a few pics representing things he WOULD receive when we got home ????.

  547. katelyn graves says

    Before we were married my husband wrote a sweet note of 100 things he loved about me and left it with a rose in my car so I found it on my way to class.

  548. Jennifer Asher says

    Hopefully its this year when I win this basket! LOL

  549. Stacey Turner says

    My husband and I both love food, which is probably why one of my favorite dates has so much food involved. I had been out of town for a summer job and had gone on and on the whole time I was away about how I could not wait to be home so I could eat certain things again. The day after I got back he went all over town and surprised me at my apartment with my favorite dishes from 6 different restaurants around town. We had several meals out of that one date!

  550. Awesome basket!

  551. I’m not sure I have any creative or romantic valentine date stories…but I have a funny one! One year on Valentine’s day I had to drop off my son with my parents who lived 4 hours away because we were going out of town the next day for my husband’s job…and I was pregnant, so of course I cried the whole night we watched a romantic movie because I missed our son! I felt bad but it was my first time away from him!

  552. I remember one year I put together a bag of everything to watch a movie at home…the movie, snacks, and popcorn. I’m not very creative, this would be great!

  553. It was our first Valentines Day and He brought home the usual chocolates and my favorite flowers- Stargazer Lily. He also bought groceries and scented bubble bath. The deal was I took a bubble bath and he cooked me a homemade dinner of Cordon Blue Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Salad with homemade dijon dressing. Dessert was homemade chocolate mousse.

  554. I put different items in manila envelopes and numbered them.. Throughout the night he chose numbers and we did what it said to do inside.

  555. Leah Warner says

    The cutest date I ever had for valentines day is that we made our own heart shaped pizzas… they tasted awful but they looked cute! haha.

  556. Ooohhhh, love this basket!!

  557. Honestly, other than some very sweet times he surprised me with flowers (or a heart shaped bamboo plant), we haven’t had a chance to really do anything for Valentine’s before because kids and/or school. Hopefully this year will be different!

  558. Last year, I left notes for each of the 14 days of Valentine’s Day.

  559. Valerie Guerrero says

    surprised my husband with balloons, a big bear, chocolate, and a santisima muerte statue and he surprised me with a pink rose it was the best

  560. Taking a last minute ski trip and having a snuggly cabin to warm up in that evening!

  561. What a fun basket! Thanks for this great giveaway!

  562. My husband (then boyfriend) took me to pick up the puppy I had been drooling over for weeks. It was the sweetest gift ever 🙂

  563. I’ve had lots of good valentine’s dates, but sadly none that have blown me away to write about. 🙂

  564. Stephanie Anderson says

    I made heart shaped pizzas for our Valentine lunch while we were dating. Now we make them every year with our kids.

  565. this is my first valentine’s day with a significant other. we are going to order in chinese and have a picnic in the living room, with lots of candles and chocolate-covered strawberries. 🙂

  566. My Giveaway

  567. Scavenger love notes with romantic dinner and movie night

  568. We’ve never had a very romantic or creative valentine’s day, but I’d love to start!

  569. I actually used one of the Dating Divas date ideas last year and my husband loved it!!

  570. Kelly Duncan says

    My date took me out for a romantic Italian dinner. It wasn’t so much the activity as it was the company. He is now my fiance and we’re getting married in less than 2 months!!

  571. Matt Stringham says

    The night I purposed to my wife! I took her out to a couples massage, then to dinner. We then took a horse drawn carriage ride through downtown and I purposed on the carriage ride

  572. Carmen Hughes says

    We went to the melting pot for dinner. Love that place

  573. All day on Valentine’s Day my husband found notes in his car, in his lunch, stuck inside his laptop. Each note had a clue attached. After work had to follow the clues to find where I was hosting dinner for him.

  574. The year my husband proposed 🙂

  575. I set-up a romantic scavenger hunt! It was awesome!

  576. Haven’t had a really creative one yet… working on this year’s plan though!

  577. When I went with a red hot theme.

  578. had a baby. great timing!

  579. I am so not creative! Cutting brownies into hearts is as creative as I get!

  580. Lisa Stillman says

    My husband brought dinner home from Olive Garden. I set the table with linens, china, crystal, and several floating candles along with red heart table scatter. Plus, there were candles all over the room, and a small set of colored Christmas lights in a jar. I had fixed champagne flutes with Valentine-themed paper cones in them to hold chocolates. We had dinner while listening to music.

  581. Melissa Garner says

    My husband and I rarely celebrate Valentine’s Day because our anniversary is the 25th but thus year is a bit different so we would like to get creative those year! lol

  582. I planned a brewery tour of several of Wisconsin’s breweries for my husband.

  583. He hated typical presents … so this one year, he bought me a fish bowl and accessories with a little beta fish named Valentine.

  584. My husband always goes out of his way to surprise me on valentines. It is always at different times and when I least expect it, he whisks me away for a romantic meal!

  585. the most creative was a starlight picnic in the garden when it was an eclipse…i’m now sure he planned it that way but it was the most creative romantic vday ever

  586. When my husband sent me flowers to work and took me to lunch

  587. erin dear (@mummadear) says

    The most exciting Valentine date I have been on, was dinner on a boat tour!

  588. Michelle Bowers says

    We like to do things with our daughter so we usually just make dinner together or we will all pick a restaurant together and go out. Then we come home and watch a movie or play some games.

  589. Amanda Sakovitz says

    I’ve never had a really romantic valentines day but id say going out to dinner.

  590. A picnic under the stars in the back of a pick up truck! It was so sweet

  591. Omg so fun!! My hubby “doesn’t believe in valentines day” but I think chocolate might change his mind!!

  592. We came home from work and made dinner together and then he had a scavenger hunt around the house with little clues and gifts that meant something special to us and then we made ice cream and watched romantic movies. It was a nice night in with just the two of us.

  593. The most romantic Valentine day I’ve had was when my husband surprisedme with a fantastic( indoor) picnic with my favorite food he had made from scratch. It was thoughtful, sweet and delicious!

  594. My husband wrote to my favorite musician to ask her to send me songwriting tips. SHE DID. On the back of a napkin! Best gift ever. 🙂

  595. blindfolding my husband for a surprise getaway!

  596. I’m an illustrator so nearly every year I make a card for my sweetie…

  597. My fiance made me a photo album/scrapbook of our first year together (we started dating right before the previous Valentine’s Day). He’s so not the creative type, so I was incredibly impressed that he did it all himself. So romantic 🙂

  598. My favorites are staying at home (maybe ordering in), snuggling on the couch and watching a good movie.

  599. You are so creative! I absolutely love fondue and would love to win this for a special fondue night with my hubby. He deserves it!

  600. I’ve spent the past couple of years working in the restaurant industry for Valentines so no real dates for me =(

  601. I am so lame because I have never been in a relationship on Valentine’s Day and if I was, it was with a lame guy. This year, it’ll be different…I hope!

  602. Amanda Morandini says

    Super cute basket!!!

  603. Tim Gibson says

    Never been creative before. Working on some ideas this year, which is how I ended up here.

  604. This is my first year with a valentine! 🙂

  605. I’m not creative AT ALL…but last year was fun. I made heart shaped calzones and heart shaped whoopie pies for the family. They loved it!!!

  606. Dates at the beach are the best 🙂

  607. We are seeing Mamma Mia this year – not creative, but I can’t wait!

  608. We got married on Valentines, so we love it. And your basket is amazing, very romantic, fun and classy.

  609. My husband cooked dinner for me, complete with dessert and he even cleaned and washed after.

  610. Ashley Tucker says

    I don’t really have a creative date.

  611. My most creative date was setting up a scavenger hunt for my boyfriend (now my husband). All the clues led from one place to the next and I was waiting at the last clue with an invitation to dinner.

  612. Jennifer Bentley says

    I set up a cuddly blanket picnic with yummy treats at a sandy volleyball court where me and my boyfriend first really fell for each other. we were not dating yet and went on a midnight stroll(literally I think it was around midnight) and we played in the sand and talked for hours.

  613. Cynthia Harvey says

    I didn’t tell him where we were going until we got to place. Took him to see Blue Man Group. He was surprized the whole family Knew for a couple months and no one let him in on it!

  614. Jill Myrick says

    For our first Valentines Day together my husband took me to a restaurant that sits on top of a motel overlooking the city. It was so raomantic and spectacular.


  615. I get hopelessly dreamy at this time of year. I just love to make Valentines!! Still remember fondly even making a mail box to receive them in when I was in school. I love the fun of cutting, pasting, plotting and planning. This prize would be a ball to celebrate with.

  616. Loni Probert says

    An evening alone at home with my husband!

  617. Vikki Billings says

    One year we did not have any money, we had just bought our first house and just did not have anything to go out with or buy each other gifts. So we decided to be creative. I put notes all over the house telling him how much I loved him and what he meant to me. I put one on the coffee pot, two in the bathroom, some all over the house on his way out the door for work and in the car also. He made me roses out of used copy paper for the recycle bin at his work. It was the best Valentine’s Day ever.

  618. My favorite Valentines day was our first together…we had been dating only a month and we had sandwiches in a beautiful park and went to a total guy flick. I must have really like him. 😉

  619. My favorite/most romantic date nights are when my husband takes me to the ocean to see the sunset.

  620. Melora Weeks says

    We went to a country concert by my favorite artist, Lady Antebellum. He also have me a rose and we wen’t to eat at the Olive Garden, my favorite restaurant! He is great!

  621. Chocolate, what else needs to be said!

  622. Chocolate, what else needs be said!

  623. Chocolate, what more needs to be said?

  624. One year I booked a hotel in Cincinnati, OH, purchased baseball tickets to a Reds game, and had the concierge service hook the room up with all kinds of Reds goodies. It was my first game and had never been to Ohio either so that was a lot of fun. Now that I look back I probably won’t be able to raise the bar now. LOL!
    My husband and I got married 3 days before Valentine’s day and now with 2 kids we really have to pick and choose which to celebrate so I try and go all out when I can. 🙂

  625. A surprise vacation!

  626. Awesome prize!

  627. Jennifer P - Vicki Furrin on Rafflecopter says

    To be honest I’ve never actually had a romantic Valentine’s date. My first husband and I never celebrated it and to be honest it’s not a day I pay any attention too. My most romantic date though was a few years ago… a romantic picnic on the beach. Thanks for the giveaway.

  628. Shannon Atkins says

    When we lived in Denver my hubby was working everyday so for valentines I went to whole foods and made him some stuffed calimari in sauce with little chocolate heart cakes

  629. Loving this idea! I had forgotten how much fondue double dates are! My favorite is the melting pot recipe for the spinach artichoke dip. I do it with veggie broth instead of wine. It’s amazing!

  630. Did my last comment post? My phone did something weird. .. Anyway, kudos on the great idea. I’ll have to do this soon regardless of If I win!

  631. Love this idea, and your basket!! It’s so important to spend time with the ones we love, and keep it fun! Thanks for doing this!

  632. Kira Sorensen says

    I love these prizes!!!

  633. I think my favorite valentines day memory is when I was in England and my husband sent me flowers from the states!!

  634. When my husband and I were dating in High School, he was in college (before we were married!), he had made me my favorite, lasagna; however, it was a complete snowstorm, so he had to bring the lasagna to my parents house…how romantic 🙂 It was fun and something we will never forget.

  635. Last year, on Valentines Day, he and I went to The Melting Pot for the first time. The ambiance, the food, the experience was AMAZING! This fondue gift basket totally reminded me of that night 🙂

  636. Thanks for offering such a beautiful basket! I’d love the chance to win and share this with my sweetheart – and then the littler ones in our family for a Family Fun Night. 🙂

    • We usually spend Valentine’s Day as a family instead of as a couple. We have a Mystery Dinner for our kids where we name everything with a Valentine’s twist. For example, if they order “Cupid’s Arrow”, it’s a knife. They have to order all their food and utensils by code and it is all served over three courses for fun! It’s always a fun laugh when my sugar sensitive child ends up ordering his dessert before his dinner – or when a child has all their food but no fork or spoon to eat it with! 🙂

  637. Christabell says

    My most romantic Valentine date…Was when I led my husband across town on a scavenger hunt to find me at a hotel where we spent the night after spending the night out on the town. He loved it and still talks about it!

  638. My husband proposed to me on Valentines Day 11 years ago.

  639. Well, I can honestly say that we aren’t too romantic in our family… however, we have a blast having a fondue night every year with the kids.

  640. My husband created a scavenger hunt that included all our favorite restaurants and memorable places around the city. We ended up at home cuddled up on the couch with our favorite movie and a lot of junk food!

  641. Candlelight dinner at home.

  642. This is such a great idea! I love it!

  643. Kellie Gregory says

    Late night candle lit dinner after kids went to bed, bubble bath, chocolate dipped strawberries.

  644. Last year my husband had his friend who is a restaurant owner open the restaurant just for us and decorate a table with a bouquet of roses and chocolates and candles. Oh I just melted!

  645. Any night out alone with my husband would be romantic! Kids really change your perspective! 🙂

  646. My husband made a shadow box filled with things from our dating-to-married life. (This was the first Valentines Day after we were married) He is completely NOT creative or crafty in any sense, so this was a very big deal for me, and it had airplane tickets from New Zealand to Utah (we met in NZ, I’m originally from there) letters, pics from our engagment – he went all out. I’ll never forget the effort he put into that first ever V-Day gift! <3

  647. It wasn’t Valentine’s, but the night my hubby proposed was fantastic! It was actually an entire day of Long Stemmed Roses popping up at all the places I went (home, work, car, my school backpack [in college], etc) and finally he picked me up for dinner with another one and there was again another at the restaurant. They all had notes tied to them with sweet nothings written on them about our relationship. After dinner we went for a walk at the site of our first date and when we got to a memorable spot, there were even more roses and he got down on one knee and popped the question! It was marvelous.

  648. Streamers in the door of the bedroom and love notes on heart paper all over the walls of our bedroom 🙂

  649. Kristen Fowler says

    The kids love fondue nights. It’s a great Valentine idea!

  650. We’ve always had fun having at-home Valentine’s dates and just spending time with each other. I like to be able to not be out in the rush of everyone and enjoy a quiet dinner after the kids have gone to bed.

  651. Our first Valentines day, it was going to be a picnic, but it rained. So, he made me a picnic in his living room! Complete with a heart balloon forest!!!

  652. I’m not very creative, but I did once write with chocolate on our dessert plates. I thought I was awesome!

  653. Kristy Taylor says

    This is an amazing gift basket! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this 🙂

  654. That would be when we went star gazing and skinny dipping in hot pools 🙂

  655. the day spent snowboarding with just me and my husband

  656. The first year we were married, I hid chocolate hearts all over our apartment for my husband to find the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. At the end of the week, he could cash in the hearts he had collected for items from a “menu” that I made. Now the kids would find all the chocolate before he would. 🙂

  657. Marissa Jespersen says

    We got married on Valentines Day!

  658. debra lynch says

    one year my boyfriend at the time had his entire apartment in candles and rose petals. he had dinner prepaed, champagne, choc covered strawberries…it was great!

  659. Homemade dinner, chocolates, and a movie that he let me pick and didn’t complain about!

  660. We’ve never done anything terribly creative or romantic on Valentine’s Day. We normally stay in and have a nice dinner and some V-Day chocolates or a nice dessert. Since having kids, we spend the evening with them. Wouldn’t want it any other way!! 🙂

  661. My husband took me on a hot air ballon excursion and it was amazing!

  662. Rachael Maloney says

    Hope to be able to make a memorable V-day this year

  663. best memorable valentines day was surprising my fiance at his door step and spending the day up north together! He took me to a movie and a walk in the park with a hike to watch the sunset! So relaxing and just us! I love when we get the chance to build things together!

  664. I had a fondue-themed birthday party last year. Love it! Last year my fiance came to the school where I work with chocolates and flowers! Your basket looks great!

  665. hmmm…. I’ve been married for a long time to my Valentine (35 yrs) so it’s been a while since we have gotten “creative”. Once when my three daughters were little, we got a very trusted friend to sit with them and we went out to a romantic dinner. We also stayed in a hotel right in town just to get away, relax, and continue to celebrate Valentine’s day.

  666. Not too creative for Valentine’s, but I’m happy with any surprises! We put candy hearts on the bed one year. Our new tradition is getting JUMBO GIANT Valentine Cards and every year write a note of sentiment to our kids and each other. We do more fun Valentine’s – like parties, girl’s night crafts =)

  667. My husband did something special for me every day leaving up to it. I felt so special! I love your idea!

  668. Jennifer Speed says

    Really never done anything very creative but we did go to the movies

  669. When we had a candle light dinner on our 33rd wedding anniversary set up by our daughter.

  670. Sherri Howell says

    Most romantic is when my husband made ALL of the plans himself. Beautiful flowers, dinner, and I came home to a clean house.

  671. We never have time alone so we don’t get to have any romantic or creative dates. It would be nice to sneak one in one of these days.

  672. Summer Boltz says

    Love this basket. Great idea

  673. Thomas Murphy says

    We went to a really nice dinner in the city and stayed over night at a hotel.

  674. Probably the most creative thing we’ve done is heart shaped bacon and heart shaped French toast!

  675. Valentine Love scavenger hunt

  676. Kendall Green says

    Homemade romantic dinner 🙂

  677. It’s not really creative or romantic, but the most memorable Valentine’s Day I’ve had was years ago, when I got all dressed up and headed out of town with my (then) boyfriend to go out to dinner… but he hadn’t made reservations, and there was a two hour wait for a table, and my babysitter wasn’t going to stick around for an extra two hours while we waited. So we got takeout instead, drove the hour back home, and ate our “romantic” Italian dinner out of Styrofoam containers with plastic silverware!

  678. Sylvia Pacheco says

    It will be 2014 when I’m melring my husband with my love and this amazing basket – I hope! Thanks for your generosity. Good luck to all who enter and congrats to the winner!

  679. Cynthia Rathunde says

    My husband and I go out for a quiet dinner.

  680. My most creative V-day was doing a treasure hunt for my husband.

  681. One of our most creative Valentines, I decorated for Chinese New Year. Our first date was at a Chinese buffet restaurant, so it went well with our love story.

  682. My daughter and I both receive flowers every year from my husband.

  683. Diana Wyrick says

    Handmade Valentine cards.

  684. My most creative Valentine’s Day I actually created my own gift basket for my Valentine with mugs, homemade hot chocolate, popcorn and cute red-white striped popcorn containers and a romantic movie 🙂

  685. erin miller says

    love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your blog

  686. For our first Valentine’s Day as a couple, my husband surprised me with a couples dance lesson and then dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown Chicago!

  687. Cheryl Harlow Copass says


  688. Any date sounds creative, it’s been so long! Would love to do fondue!

  689. We don’t get too creative. We’re just happy to be going out sans kids!

  690. Serena Adkins says

    Most romantic Valentine’s Day: My husband sent flowers to the job and after that we went on the Royal Argosy Cruise, which was a beautiful view on the water, nice meal and a romantic time together.

  691. Jacqueline Garza says

    The most romantic date would be a movie night on the lawn under the stars!

  692. We haven’t had a creative Valentine’s day date.

  693. My most romantic Valentine’s day consisted of a home made steak dinner. It was the first year we stayed in instead of going out and it was the best!!

  694. Ice Skating and spicy Cuban food in Manhattan 🙂

  695. We love to do valentines fondue as a family!

  696. Just in time for Valentine’s next week. The picture provides some really great gift ideas.

  697. As a husband, I really impressed to read this article. I will apply it in my personal life. And also for my children I arrange the best ride on cars.


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  16. […] 22. Just A Girl 23. Dollar Store Crafts 24. The SITS Girls 25. Lolly Jane 26. Design Dazzle 27. My Insanity 28. Not Just A […]

  17. […] are having so much fun over at my fondue gift basket giveaway! Thanks to everyone for entering. In the meantime, it has also been really enlightening. I asked […]

  18. […] the desserts, and I added a “Cheesy Love” label in case you decide to do Valentine’s Fondue. If you throw a “Game of Love” party  like the one I posted, you’ll want the […]

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