It rained today, and the thermometer never hit the triple-digit mark! Finally, I feel like I can decorate and work on Halloween projects, and actually got some fun ones done today! But I cannot share anything like that with you yet, because my computer is very ill. I thought it was a goner, but it […]
3D Robot Invitations
Several of you expressed interest in learning more about how we put together the robot invitations. One reader, Sharon, figured out the basic concept, and already made her own version. The nice thing about robots is that they can look like whatever, and are usually made of basic shapes. I designed Bob and left off […]
Robot Birthday Treats
I think I mentioned that my son turned 6 this weekend. We decided to postpone his robot birthday party for a couple of weeks (and were able to take a fast but fun family getaway), but there was still some celebrating to be done! On Friday, I took goodies to his class at school to […]
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