Babies, babies everywhere! I have two new nieces born within the last two weeks, two more on the way (one of them is a nephew), and countless friends have either recently popped or are getting ready to. Are you feeling baby fever in your world? Having a baby is always exciting and cause for celebration! […]
She’s About to Pop Shower on TV
It was exciting (and a bit nerve-wracking) to be invited to do a segment on “Your Life A to Z”, one of the local lifestyle news shows, this week. When we realized that both the host, Kyle Unfug, and I were pregnant, it seemed like baby showers would make a perfect topic! I resurrected some […]
BABY TIME Guest Post–Tricycle Shower Inspiration Board
Thanks so much to Kendra for letting me do a guest post! I am thrilled to be able to contribute to Kendra’s Insanity! I especially love how she always pulls her projects and parties together with a reasonable budget! *** I have been thinking for awhile now how fun a tricycle-themed baby shower would be. […]
BABY TIME Guest Post–"Storking the Freezer" Shower
I remember how naive I was when expecting my first baby. I didn’t know what I was in for, and that may be better. As a chef and a mother, one of my favorite services to offer is that of making freezer meals for expecting and new mothers. I don’t know how anyone else’s has […]
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