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A Better Beginning Benefit Concert

One of the things I love about this blogging/social media world, is that it allows us to share in each other’s trials and tragedies and lend support and assistance to one another in times of need. Sometimes it is hard to be aware of so much sadness and difficulty in the world, but it always feels good when there is something I can do to help out and make another’s burden a little easier to bear.

It was actually on a blog that I first read the story of Bailee Brinkerhoff and Taylor Morris.

morris benefit Collage

You can read more details on that post and on their fundly, but the quick version of their story is that these two had just gotten engaged and were so excited to share the news with their family in Arizona. They began their Thanksgiving trip that evening feeling wide awake and excited, only to have a terrible car accident just a few hours later. Devastatingly, Taylor’s sister, Madeline, was killed instantly. Bailee was miraculously without serious injury and was able to call for help and save Taylor’s life, though his injuries were extensive and his rehabilitation a costly long-term ordeal.

Benefit Concert flier

When I first read the post of their Thanksgiving tragedy, I realized that I was only a couple of degrees of separation away from this young couple. Bailee is the younger sister of Linsey Maxon–a prominent vocalist in the valley who as soloed in many concerts I have participated in. My good friend, Kameron Bybee, has been helping Linsey put together a benefit concert for these two, featuring some of the area’s favorite performers, like the a cappella group Two Five Nine, Michelle Baer, Aaron Ballard, Jenee Prince, and of course, Linsey and her husband, Tyler. The concert only costs $10 ($15 for premium seats) and will be held on Monday evening, March 18th, at the Westwood High School Auditorium in Mesa, Arizona. I think it is fabulous to be able to come together in song and help others out at the same time. I know the performances will be stellar, and well worth the price of admission, plus you know your money is going to help a young couple get the better beginning they need for their life together.

If you can’t come to the concert, but would still like to support this couple and help with their medical expenses, they are accepting donations at this Fundly account.

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  1. Linsey Maxson says

    Kendra, I can’t thank you enough for this. So appreciate it. I know Bailee and Taylor do as well. What a great service to the community and to all of us! Thank you again!!! Linsey


  1. […] this time last year I told you about a benefit concert for a very talented couple that was badly injured in a car accident and needed help to be able to […]

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