Patriotic Reunion T-shirts

I know.  I’ve been sewing again!  What is the world coming to?  We have a family reunion over the 4th of July weekend.  Each branch of the family is assigned a specific color and our family is blue.  We deliberated about whether to go family or patriotic, and decided to do both.  The H is for our family name(s), and the red and white stripes are patriotic.  I wouldn’t have attempted anything to do with sewing, if I hadn’t found some instructions for an easy and cute shirt at Little Bit Funky.
I’m including two pictures of my models/kiddos, so I didn’t have to decide which one I liked better.  Notice how those in the dark blue shirts had to spill water on themselves, just in time for the photos!
I got the shirts at a half-off sale at Hobby Lobby making the shirts $1.50 for kids and $2.00 for adults.  Yes, we get them two.  I just printed out the size of H I wanted (3 different sizes) on the computer to trace on to the fabric.  The technique I used is called reverse applique.  You sew the fabric on the underneath side of the shirt and cut out the t-shirt near the seam to reveal the fabric beneath.  See Little Bit Funky for instructions!
“Yep.  Mom’s lost it!”  He will soon learn the full extent of my insanity.
Here is another great shirt (that we almost made) also from Little Bit Funky:
This one is a regular applique.  I was a little afraid of the map shape + my sewing skills, and didn’t have wonder under on hand.  But either of these techniques would work to whip up a cute shirt for the fourth or any occasion in no time!
If you are going to print t-shirts for a large family reunion, I am loving the designs I found at Angela Hardison, via Oh Happy Day. 
In other news…
The tablecloth is, in fact, completed!  As long as I have my repairman (husband) nearby everytime my bobbin catches, sewing is easy!  (Maybe if I do enough projects I can justify upgrading my machine, someday.)
For some other fun bandana inspired projects check out this post.

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  1. O wow, those shirts are a-DOR-able! Love that the troublemakers spilled water on themselves. So cute! We are having a reunion in a 6 weeks… I'll have to remember this!

  2. Jen's Paper Parties says

    This is just adorable! I love the t-shirts and the Table Cloth! WOW!

  3. Jen @ says

    Such cute shirts – I love them Kendra!!! And I love the tablecloth so so much!!


  4. Pati @ A Crafty Escape says

    Love those shirts and the fact that some have water on them makes the picture that much more "real", if you know what I mean. The tablecloth is awesome too!

  5. pink and green mama MaryLea says

    Kendra — I LOVE the t-shits and the table cloth is adorable! Have a fantastic reunion with your beautiful family.

    xoxo marylea

  6. These are awesome … your kids are adorable …. feel free to stop by my blog sometime 🙂


  7. sportzmom says

    Wow! Wow! Wow! I am so making the bandana tablecloth. I love it! Shirts are super cute too.

  8. Jennifer says

    love how your shirts turned out. super cute! why is it that little boys always find a way to get something on their shirt right before a picture? happens every time. 🙂

    and the tablecloth is perfect. love it!


  9. I L O V E these!!!! And the kids look adorable! Please check out my latest linky party at Dragonfly Designs! Thanks for sharing!

  10. You are so clever! I'm so glad I found your blog! The picture of your adorable kids just made my day!!

  11. Colleen @ MuralMaker&More says

    Our reunion is 2 weeks after the 4th. We host it every year – usually over 75 people. I'd love to do tshirts one year too! Yours are just darling.

    Would love for you to stop by and link it up to Fab Finds for the 4th.

  12. Colleen @ MuralMaker&More says

    Our reunion is 2 weeks after the 4th. We host it every year – usually over 75 people. I'd love to do tshirts one year too! Yours are just darling.

    Would love for you to stop by and link it up to Fab Finds for the 4th.

  13. Colleen @ MuralMaker&More says

    Our reunion is 2 weeks after the 4th. We host it every year – usually over 75 people. I'd love to do tshirts one year too! Yours are just darling.

    Would love for you to stop by and link it up to Fab Finds for the 4th.

  14. Janeal @ decorative deals says

    One word —- adorable!!! Those kids look so stinkin' cute! The shirts are great — thanks for the ideas.

  15. Laura Ingalls Gunn says

    I adore your patriotic spirit. It is red, white and bluetiful!

    I hope you'll stop by for my bbq on an Anthropologie inspired white tablecloth. 🙂

  16. Katie's Nesting Spot says

    That bandana table cloth is fabulous and what a great idea!

  17. Kelli @ RTSM says

    Such cute shirts! I love the map one too but I'm with you….I'm not sure I could sew all those little turns and bends in the map:)

  18. Anonymous says

    making the tablecloth today with left over dark blue, light blue and red. don't have white so improvising…saw your pic and I'm inspired!!! bandanas are in the washer. I'm gonna iron them too and I abhor ironing!

  19. I LOVE the bandana tablecloth!! It’s super cute and so festive!! Brilliant idea!

  20. I had loads of problems withy bobbin too. My sewing
    teacher had me switch to metal bobbins (Hobby Lobby 4 for
    $2) and the bobbin problems were solved. You may want
    to try it.

  21. Love the shirt idea! Super simple to do as well, and can be done with just about any sort of fabric design you can think of. Will have to give this a try for the next family reunion.

  22. Hoody printing says

    It is possible to paint on the designs hand or develop a stencil.
    After a year’s time, no one is going to remember that ad.
    When setting your graphic design price list, remember that YOU’RE the client.


  1. […] tack the top square to the bottom square, then I used the  technique Kendra and I used on our Family Reunion T-shirts to make the letters. The ribbon was actually kind of a felt fabric as well, and I just sewed along […]

  2. […]  Buying in bulk, like we did, would probably save you money, at least on shipping. UPDATE: The bandana tablecloth was completed shortly after this post.  To see the finished result go […]

  3. […] Pin It Last year at this time, I was sewing up these matching t-shirts for our 4th of July family reunion. Pin It You can read all about them on this post, or check […]

  4. […] I would love to make one in muted reds and blues for an Americana look too. I found this idea at Me and My Insanity. Really you could use any color to fit your decor and it would make a great looking table cover for […]

  5. educational furniture

    Patriotic Reunion T-shirts – My Insanity

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