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This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Hello Kitty Fashion with the KuKee App

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and KuKee, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #KuKeeapp

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee app title

Does she look a bit kooky to you? Getting to play with a new cell phone app for kids and get some brand new Hello Kitty fashions about put her over the the best way possible! My daughter had so much fun with Hello Kitty and KuKee. See…

Hello Kitty Kukee fashion collage Hello Kitty Kukee fashion collage 2 Hello Kitty Kukee Collage 3

Hello Kitty Fashion Collage 4

Some day I’ll get her to come out of her shell a little. 🙂 In the meantime, I’ll tell you about the fun time we had shopping for Hello Kitty Clothes and learning how to use the new Kukee app!

Kukee app

First we downloaded the Free KuKee app, scanned the green marker and took a picture of ourselves with KuKee. It is a virtual scavenger hunt app, and whenever you scan a new image or “marker”, it unlocks more features. This graphic explains it a better.

kukee email blast ALL

So guess where you can find the Hello Kitty markers for the KuKee app? Right on most of the newer Hello Kitty clothing items available at Macy’s right now! You scan the marker directly from the outfit using the KuKee app on  your phone.

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee app-9115

But before we made it that far, we had to decide on which outfit to get. That was the hardest part of all! six Hello Kitty outfits

My little model loved every Hello Kitty outfit by Evy of California that she tried on and wanted to take it all home. When I realized how difficult this decision was going to be, we enlisted the help of our Instagram and Facebook friends. This was helpful, except you guys liked everything, too. We we torn between one of the outfits with the fancy skirts and the more casual but cute striped skirt. (Your top vote-getters, I think).

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee striped dress

We had decided on the casual one, when it dawned on me that Macy’s was running a sale on the whole collection and I could get a little more bang for my buck, so I ran back for the cute pink fluffy skirt!

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee app pink skirt

Someone was pretty happy. (I don’t think this skirt has the marker on it, but corresponding tops that you would wear with it do.) Each item of clothing with the KuKee marker comes with some finger tattoos or a finger puppet for the kids to use to create a puppet show with the KuKee app.

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee app-9113

Hello Kitty Finger puppet

So she played around with her finger puppets and took this collage of selfies, all by herself!

KuKee App Selfies

If you weren’t sure what my daughter thinks about KuKee, I’ll let her tell you in her own words (and illustrations).

Hello Kitty Fashion for girls Kukee notebook

You can find out more about KuKee here. If you try out KuKee, be sure and share your child’s creations on KuKee’s social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Oh, and if you think my daughter is cute, you should hear her rap.

Do you have any Hello Kitty fans in your house? What do you think about combining shopping and children’s apps?

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  1. Goodness, your daughter is adorable…and amazingly natural and expressive in front of the camera! Cute app, that Kukee!

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