Sometimes the best gifts are simple things that you know the recipient will use and enjoy! The trick is in the packaging and presentation. People love the Valentine’s Snack Basket I made for my husband. Here are some ideas for easy gifts for teachers or neighbors comprised of snacks you know they will use and […]
Hair bow as gift bow
I wanted to share a couple of tips for present-wrapping that I came up with this weekend when I attended a baby shower for a new baby girl. I hope you will excuse the grainy phone pic–I didn’t start out thinking this would be a blog post. I bought a couple of baby headbands, with […]
Balloon Bow – Creative Gift Wrapping
On the same day as our school carnival, we were invited to the birthday party of a little girl–the girl of whom my 6 year old son has been heard to say that he is “so in love!” Our schedule was a bit crazy that day (when is it not?) and when it came time […]
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