Flashback Friday: Back to School for the big girls

We took apples to the teachers today (we really did–more on that soon). Tomorrow means Dr.’s appointments and haircuts. We are trying to check everything off of our list for Monday when the kids head back to school. I have been worried about getting ready for school and forgot that many moms are anxiously awaiting […]

Flashback Friday: Wonderful Wonderland

Although there are many things–baby related and not–that I’d love to be blogging about, my newest creative project doesn’t give me much time in the day where I have the use of more than one of my hands, and blogging one-handed is just a little too painstaking. So I’m hoping to get at least one […]

Santa Baby Decor

This is a quick post for my friend, Kathryn, who was doing my hair today and asked if I had any ideas for some fun decor she could do for her Christmas Eve party that would go along well with her red, black, and white home decor. Of course, I have ideas, just not a […]

Comfort and Joy, A Seasonal Meal

I’ve been wanting to share this “comfort-food”-themed Gourmet Group meal with you, since I had the pleasure of eating it, a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t get photos right away, and then the season had kind of passed. I’m sharing it with you now, because some of the ideas, might work well on your Thanksgiving […]

Comfort and Joy—A Seasonal Meal

I’ve been wanting to share this “comfort-food”-themed Gourmet Group meal with you, since I had the pleasure of eating it, a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t get photos right away, and then the season had kind of passed. I’m sharing it with you now, because some of the ideas, might work well on your Thanksgiving […]

Comfort and Joy—A Seasonal Meal

I’ve been wanting to share this “comfort-food”-themed Gourmet Group meal with you, since I had the pleasure of eating it, a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t get photos right away, and then the season had kind of passed. I’m sharing it with you now, because some of the ideas, might work well on your Thanksgiving […]

Wonderful Wonderland Dinner

This is not My Insanity–but I wish it were!  Back in the middle of my April craziness, I got to sneak away for gourmet group at my friend, Jennifer’s house.  She and Alicia went all out creating this evening in Wonderland (as in Alice in Wonderland) for us.  I asked them if I could share […]

Cacao Cravings–A Chocolate-Themed Gourmet Group Dinner

Are you ready for Chocolate Overload? Here is the report on our Chocolate-themed gourmet group dinner, this year. Invitation: These are the invitations I created. I purchased the Belgian Chocolate Bars from Fresh & Easy (Will they twitter about me again?) and wrapped them in gold tissue paper. Then I made wrappers out of the […]

Gourmet Group Glimpse

I am happy to report that our chocolate-themed gourmet group dinner last night, was a big hit! The rest of the report will have to wait until next week, since, in just a few minutes, I’m going to shut down the computer (and quit doing catch-up laundry), to join in our church’s Emergency Preparedness Weekend. […]

Sophisticating St. Patrick’s Day

A couple of years ago my friend, Kim, and I set out to plan a St. Patrick’s Day-themed Gourmet Group dinner. After doing lots of research, I felt a little less than enthused, because most of the authentic food I could find consisted of basic potato soups, and even worse, most of the décor ideas […]