Neighbor/friend gifts. They always get me. They seem so simple in my mind, but the mass production always leaves me pulling my hair out. Ever since the infamous star cookie tree incident. Still, I like to do something thoughtful and fun (and inexpensive) for the people we interact with the most. Last year, in keeping with […]
Great Gifts – Idea number 4: Personalized Gingerbread Families
December 13, 2010 by 3 Comments
Filed Under: Christmas, cookies, gifts, Great Gift Guide, wrapping Tagged With: baking, Christmas cookies, gifts, neighbor gift, packaging
The Incredible Cookie Party Blog Style
December 10, 2010 by 7 Comments

The time has come for our Incredible Christmas Cookie Party (Blog Style). I’m going to share my favorite holiday cookies with you. Then you want to check out the cookies from my fellow hostesses… Steph of Somewhat Simple: Pumpkin and Chocolate Cookies Kristyn of Lil Luna: Ooey Gooey Butter Cookies Jax of Aly and Ash: […]
Filed Under: Christmas, cookies, Mr. Linky Tagged With: Christmas cookies
Holiday Butter Cookies
December 16, 2008 by 14 Comments

I’m attending a lot of virtual parties around blogland, and I think for at least some of them, we we’re supposed to bring virtual treats. That reminded me that way back in October when I was making these… and these… for the Nie Cookie Auction, and my 100th post giveaway, I promised to share the […]
Filed Under: Christmas, cookies, Halloween Tagged With: Christmas cookies, cookie recipe, Halloween cookies, recipe
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