My son had kindergarten graduation tonight, and will have his last day of school on Wed. My daughter is at a different school and still has a couple of weeks left, but I think a lot of you may be getting ready to welcome the kids home for the summer, soon. They would love a […]
A TIE-rific Father’s Day
June 15, 2009 by 11 Comments
Yes, I know my pun is horrible, but these ideas aren’t! Go to my guest post at the Fave Crafts blog for all the details! What are you doing for Father’s Day?
"School’s Out for Summer" Breakfast–Orange Julius and Shaped-Pancakes
May 22, 2008 by 10 Comments
I saw this idea a while ago on Emily’s blog (check out her cool Eiffel Tower pancakes!). I have been wanting to do this with my kids, but was waiting for the opportune moment. Kira finished first grade yesterday, and with no where to be this morning, it seemed like the perfect time to celebrate! […]
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