This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.

Birthday BLAST! (Rocket Birthday Party)

We had a blast (pun intended) with my son’s Space/Rocket/Astronaut themed birthday party this year! It was too much stellar fun to fit it into one post. For all of the Out of this World details and ideas for how you can throw your own spaced-out party, please read each of the following posts: Stellar […]

Blast off–The Rocket Launch!

The main event of the birthday party was the rocket launch–and it was a big hit! (Or should we say, “a blast!”?) My husband and I used empty 2 liter pop bottles, glued on fins and nose cones and spray painted it all to make the rockets. This post has the link where we got […]