After tabulating the results on the Party Party page and adding them to the repins and likes on my Pinterest board.. …I am finally ready to declare the winner of the Party Party Contest of 2013 who has now earned all bragging rights plus the amazing collection of prizes from Bake it Pretty, Piggy Bank […] Spring Into the Dream Pinterest Contest
Ah! Spring! The blossoms, the butterflies, the flowers and hope of renewal. I type this as the temperature outside my house climbs all the way to 110 degrees today. That idyllic Spring that inspires poets, and makes everyone fall in love, is a bit of a fantasy to me since I live in the arid […]
Masquerade Masks – Scribble Shop Challenge
I have hard time walking away from a challenge, so I couldn’t refuse the chance to take part in The Scribble Shop Challenge! Along with many other creative bloggers, I was sent a package from The Scribble Shop–an on-line craft store–full of random craft supplies with a challenge to use all of the supplies in […]
Party Party Winner Announced
Perfection is not usually a word I like to associate with party planning. Inevitably something goes wrong at the last minute, or time runs out for some of the amazing plans to come to life–Perfection just seems to be too lofty a goal. Yet, when I think about the party that has been voted as […]
Party Party Finalists! VOTE now!
And now…. The moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived! Announcing the 10 finalists in our annual Party Party as selected by our guest judge, the amazing Brittany of One Charming Party, and now the new owner of Bake it Pretty. The winner of our party party contest will receive fabulous prizes from Delightfully […]
Party Party Winners!
The votes have been tallied, the people have spoken and now it is time to announce the winners and prizes of the 3rd Annual Blogiversary party party! Big thanks to our judges, sponsors, and all of our participants. After 682 votes…the party of the year (2010) is… The Classic Boy Campout Party by Lisa from […]
Hauntings of Halloween’s Past
Today over at the CSI Project, they are having a Halloween-themed challenge, judged by the always-amazing Stephanie of A Brooklyn Limestone. She has incredible ideas for Halloween (in addition to the amazing renovating and decorating she does)! Go here and scroll down to see some of them, like this creature survival kit that she actually […]
Christmas in July Party–The Tip Junkie Has Spoken
It’s time to wrap-up our wonderful Christmas in July party! Thanks to everyone who submitted their great ideas for Christmas gifts and projects. If you are looking for some inspiration, you will want to check them all out here: Laurie, our celebrity judge from Tip Junkie has picked her favorite projects. Each of the following […]
A little of what is going on in my world: 1. Upcoming Reviews I’m so excited! I have two big product reviews coming up which are going to enable me to work on and blog about a few big projects around my house. One review is about paint and the other is from the CSN […]
Imperfectly Perfect Pirate Party–Vote for me!
I’ve got a bit of blogging to catch up on so check back for more posts today (and/or tomorrow). But I wanted to let you know right away about the Imperfect Party Challenge, going on over at The City Cradle blog. My son’s Pirate party is the first of the 6 party finalists to be […]
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